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Steve’s Say . . .

The Morality of Education: What Frederick Douglass Taught Us  Frederick Douglass, slave, escapee, carpenter, caulker, author, orator, political activist, entrepreneur, advisor, et al, left an enduring legacy for all Americans to emulate. No one started any lower in society, yet few, if any, were more successful at living the American Dream, or even truly understanding…

Steve’s Say . . .

The Necessity of Making the Moral Case Making the moral case. This is the secret of the Left’s political success, the political success of Obama. The moral case doesn’t have to be logical. The moral case does not have to make sense. The moral case is not required to be real or consistent or even…

Education and Its Role in the Election

 By Karen Schroeder This article originally appeared in Off the Grid News, December 21, 2012 Obama’s 2012 presidential win was shaped in the American classroom. Progressives, humanists, liberals, and Democrats dedicated to educating the electorate have been granted unfettered control to manipulate curricula in their favor. While each subject taught in schools and each type…