Steve’s Say . . .

The Necessity of Making the Moral Case

Making the moral case. This is the secret of the Left’s political success, the political success of Obama.

The moral case doesn’t have to be logical. The moral case does not have to make sense. The moral case is not required to be real or consistent or even free from evil. All you must do is convince your target audience that your viewpoint is morally superior to the alternative.

Morality is our personal belief system upon which we decide between right and wrong. It is an emotional choice. Since Conservatives take pride in supporting policies and arguments based upon facts and logic, most don’t see the necessity of making the moral case at all. In fact, they almost never do. And Conservatives continue to be perplexed at how they get steamrolled by the Left’s political machine.

Take gun control. The second amendment clearly states that no law shall be made by Congress to infringe on a citizen’s right to bear arms. Yet Congress is on the verge of passing even more gun control legislation fueled by Obama’s lofty rhetoric. Obama hammers home again and again the immorality of children being exposed to instruments of death. The gun, the shiny black piece of metal, is a tool of the devil forged in the fires of hell. Without the gun, no one would ever be shot. And he’s right. They might be bludgeoned with a baseball bat or stabbed with a knife, but they won’t be shot.

Of course, the criminals never seem to get the message and somehow show up with guns anyway.

Obama conveniently leaves out the case when an intruder comes into your house to molest your kids or injure your family. Then that shiny black piece of metal allows innocent people to live or keep from getting marauded from these evildoers. Guns save lives. Guns protect men, women and children. Guns actually stop evildoers before they even get started. Because evildoers are afraid of guns. And rightly so.

So the real moral case here is this: Obama, Boxer and other gun control zealots want citizens, women and children to be easy targets for criminals. These people support the criminals that break into your house to rape, pillage, steal or murder by taking away your ability to adequately defend your life, your family and your property. To put this argument in the language of the Left: They want you and your family dead. They choose criminals over law abiding citizens, women and children.

And this is the true meaning of the second amendment. The second amendment is about morality - the morality of being able to preserve your life and others around you from evil people, gangs and governments so disposed to do just that. The second amendment has absolutely nothing to do with hunting or shooting skeet.

The anthropogenic global warming (AGW) hoax grew from the moral case made by Al Gore and other scoundrels. They evangelized the intrinsic evil of a lifestyle that continued to emit carbon dioxide knowing you are condemning the planet to catastrophic global warming. Therefore you must change your lifestyle, get rid of your car, plant trees, give up meat, close down as much manufacturing and resource development as possible, and go back to a “simpler” way of life. If human generated carbon dioxide emissions were actually destroying the planet for future generations, who would be so evil as to be indifferent and uncaring about our children and their children?

Many Republicans in Congress, such as our own Jim Sensenbrenner, argue to this day that this political war must be fought and won by arguing cost and not arguing the science. They could not be more wrong. Thank the Lord for Senator James Inhofe! He’s been arguing the science since the 1990s and now can claim victory!

People will ALWAYS support what they believe to be the morally superior position. Can someone really try to convince anyone that it costs too much to save the planet?

Until you convince people that the planet is not really in danger, they will try to save the planet, regardless of how ridiculous the remedies may be. In fact, the more illogical (like changing to fluorescent lamps) the more apt you are to sell your scam. And Al Gore has done quite well in his snake oil salesmanship. Check the balance of his bank account.

The true morally superior position lies in the destruction the policies promulgated by this scam on everyday people’s wealth, happiness, lifestyle, prosperity and dreams. These soulless adherents to the global warming religion have literally destroyed lives all across the globe. They condemn millions upon millions in Africa to lives devoid of accessible reliable electric power and potable water, fated to cook their meals burning dung while filling their homes with poisonous fumes.

These “greens” kill African children daily with the results of their advocacy. For the best moral case ever made for this issue, please read Paul Driessen’s book “Ecoimperialism: Green Power-Black Death” Reality News readers are quite familiar with his enormous intellect and clear moral outlook from his numerous and continuous contributions to this publication.

Over the next several issues I will be making the true moral case surrounding all of the key issues we face; Education, Taxes, Social Programs of all types, Entitlements, Debt, the Role of Government, Resource Development. We have alot of intellectual work to do in all of these areas to create a clear moral message.

Whenever Republicans have been successful, it has been when they have made the moral case. Walker made the moral case of why forced unionization in education and the resulting power structure and monetary black hole it created had to be reined in. He held a press conference daily during the occupation outlining the morality of what he was doing, how it was about keeping ALL teachers working instead of the powerful ones with seniority. And not taking more tax money from the already struggling families paying the taxes to fund this old, immoral system.

This is why Walker was successful with Act 10 and successfully fended off the recall attempt. He made the true moral case. And he won.

Rudy Giuliani did exactly the same thing in New York City. By making the moral case for allocating the resources to what was considered petty or non-serious crimes, he was able to extricate New York from the death spiral of crime that had engulfed that city over the previous decade. Instead of advocating the fake moral case of how the perpetrators were the result of societal unfairness, he embraced the moral case of the safety and integrity of conscientious individual citizens. By protecting their lives and property, the result would reach all members of the society at large, benefiting all. And he was right.

We cannot win any political argument on any issue if we don’t make the moral case. The relevant facts and logic need to be expressed within the context of the moral case. The resulting policy will then take care of itself.

Just ask Obama. He’s the master.