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“Patient Zero Comes Back From Stage Four Cancer: Was It Ivermectin?”

By John LeakeWhile researching our book, The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, I interviewed several people in different parts of the country who told me iterations of the same deeply disturbing story. While a much-loved family member languished in hospital with COVID-19—increasingly struggling to breathe, his or…

Two steps to heaven

By Josh FirstMuch talk going on now about how President Trump is supposed to get a stranglehold on the lawless and insubordinate federal bureaucracy if he is elected to a second term this November. As a former seven-year federal policy bureaucrat who fled the belly-of-the-beast U.S. EPA in 1998, here are my suggestions. These are…

Lara Logan outs Corporate Media-Government Collusion

By Robert Malone MDThe following is a transcript of the above video, but I urge everyone to watch this video.It is chilling. It is important. And it is truth. Watch video here: is transcript of video:Transcript.Senator Ron Johnson:Our next presenter is Ms. Lara Logan. Lara Logan is an award-winning investigative journalist, former 60 Minutes correspondent…

Stop Wasting Water

By Viv ForbesAlmost every river in Eastern Australia is now pouring surplus water into the sea.But only two dams have been built in Queensland in the last 20 years – the Wyaralong Dam built 13 years ago and Paradise Dam built 19 years ago.Droughts will come again and we will wish for another dam-builder…

Who Do Elected Representatives Think They’re Representing?

By Tom DeWeeseHow is it possible that someone is talented and involved enough to run for political office and win the election – but once in office, has no clue of the origins or purpose behind the very policies they are forced to consider? Specifically, policies dealing with comprehensive planning, such as Smart Growth, 30×30…