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Steve’s Say . . . Facing the Real Truth

Things would be a whole lot different in this world if people faced the truth.   We all avoid reality at times. We don’t   acknowledge things that we know in our   heart are true but may reveal our ignorance   or highlight our hard-headedness.   Sometimes the implications of the truth are   so onerous we refuse to…

Thank You, Scott Walker

  By Tim Nerenz The past few weeks debt-ceiling jabberwocky in Washington D.C. has produced only one clear winner – Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Watching our nations’ leaders flop around like carp in a bucket trying to concoct some incomprehensible mix of bullsnot and pixie dust that will make doing nothing look like doing something…

ATI Praises Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper for Setting Record Straight on Hydraulic Fracturing

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Contact: Paul Chesser, American Tradition Institute today praised remarks made yesterday by Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper at the Colorado Oil & Gas Association’s Energy Epicenter conference in Denver. He decried the “paranoia” being whipped up over the unfounded dangers behind the process of hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) shale…

Moronic Minimum Wage Projections

  Our youth are unexpectedly showing a 75% unemployment rate. Only 24% of teens, one in four, have jobs, compared to 42% as recently as the summer of 2001. The nearby chart chronicles the teen employment percentage over time, including the notable plunge in the last decade. So instead of learning valuable job skills –…

Subjecting all Americans to an International databank

  By Tom DeWeese The rush is on to force into law mandatory use of the E-Verify system that will mandate that all businesses use this hand-me-down from the Social Security Administration in order to hire anyone. Republican Representative Lamar Smith has introduced HR 2164 and House action is expected at any time. Say proponents,…