Steve’s Say . . . Facing the Real Truth

Things would be a whole lot different in this world
if people faced the truth.


We all avoid reality at times. We don't   acknowledge things that we know in our   heart are true but may reveal our ignorance   or highlight our hard-headedness.   Sometimes the implications of the truth are   so onerous we refuse to believe it. And   sometimes the vile reality of the truth is   beyond our comprehension, because we   cannot ever imagine an individual   choosing to engage in that reality.

Democrats have become Leftists.   Barack Obama and all of the Democrat   leadership have unequivocably shown this   to be true through both their actions and   rhetoric. They embrace manufacturing   calamities and forced response as the   standard MO. From global warming to   healthcare to the raising of the debt ceiling,   this strategy produces socialistic policies   hastily implemented by bureaucrats and   politicians, enforced by whatever fascistic   means are necessary.

Leftists are collectivists. Collectivists do   not acknowledge the worth or integrity of   the individual, save a few "special" ones.   And as Frederick Hayek so insightfully   pointed out and so brilliantly supported   with real world facts and data in his book   "The Road to Serfdom," collectivism   always leads to the destruction of a society,   almost always involving mass murder.

That's about as dark as stuff gets. Yet it   is the indisputable truth. History provides   more examples than anyone could ever   study.

Democrats that believe in the creed of   America, that individual liberty trumps all   else, must acknowledge that their party left   them long ago. Every time they continue to   support this political party they are voting   against themselves. I have neighbors who   share almost all of my values and beliefs in   what America means, and still they   continue to support these people that are   advocating everything except what they   believe in. Why do they continue to do   this? For some reason, they can't face this   truth.

The Budget Repair Bill of Governor   Scott Walker and enacted by the   Republicans in the legislature has   indisputably fixed the fiscal difficulties of   all school districts that have utilized its   tools. It worked. The real data shows this   to be true. Yet the Teachers unions and   their Leftist allies recalled six senators for   voting for this bill. These politicians   actually did their job and voted for what   was actually in the best interest of   everyone in the state including the   teachers. It is obvious to everyone   including the teachers and the Leftists.   How many teachers will acknowledge this   truth and vote to retain the people that   showed the political courage to do what   was necessary and right?

The June job statistics showed solid   evidence that the Wisconsin business   climate has turned around. The attitude of   the Walker administration, new policies   implemented in the first legislative session   and the first balanced budget in decades   are the reasons this has occurred. Yet these   immutable facts and data are ridiculed by   Democrats and media pundits. Why? So   that they can ignore this wondrous   accomplishment and recall Scott Walker as   I see on some bumper stickers?

People need to face the truth. Leftism is   evil. There is no middle ground. The   people protesting in Madison or against   the new mine because of "environmental   concerns" are not some harmless, treehugging,   hippie has-beens. They are true   idealogues willing to impose their   "utopian" vision of the world onto any and   all others by whatever means necessary.   They try to wrap it in benign packages like   sustainable development and consensus   decision-making. But the result is   totalitarian control by a select group of   politically connected elites over the   worker bee serfs for which they have   limitless contempt.

These upcoming recall elections are a   travesty of justice beyond my   comprehension, I admit. I will never be   able to understand why anyone could   possibly embrace this course of action or   support individuals and organizations   which actively dismantle an enshrined,   agreed upon system of self government.   And I will never understand how anyone   can possibly believe any union is good for   their members when every piece of data   available shows the truth to be the exact   opposite. Just ask the teachers laid off   from MPS.

Will we allow the unions and outside   armies dispatched by the Obama political   machine to slap us down into submission?   Have they worn us out?

In all Senate districts Conservatives   outnumber Leftists by significant and even   very large proportions. But the armies of   the Left will mobilize such a huge   percentage of their voting base that, sadly,   all races are essentially in play. Will we get   our people to turn out and preserve our   state sovereignty? A little support from   outside would help immensely.

Did the RNC ever think that 2012 could   be won by mid-August 2011? If we sweep   back this Leftist challenge and expand our   hold on the Senate, Barack Obama can kiss   winning Wisconsin good-bye along with   any hope of re-election. Every presidential   candidate, prominent Republican from the   state like Ron Johnson and Paul Ryan, and   superstars like Sarah Palin, Rand Paul, and   Allen West need to come and help us. We   have taken the fight to the Feds and they   have noticed. How about a little back up   reinforcement?

Lastly, what about the teachers and   other union folks that have been worked up   into believing armageddon was at hand   when it clearly was not. Are they going to   compromise all else they know to be true   for these lies that they know to be false?   Are 2nd amendment and personal property   rights worth compromising for a ginned up   calamity? Teachers, you all knew the old   system had to go. We're past the hard part.   Help us get on to the good part. Shed the   yoke of the union that has held you back,   punished students and fleeced all of us   taxpayers.

We have a few days left to come   together and fend off the Leftist invasion   of the Federal Government. Can we do it?   Isn't our freedom worth it? Teachers, are   you with us? Soon we will know the truth   and will have to face it. If we dare.