371 search results for "donald trump"

The Rest of the Story: Anti-Trump Protests Packed With Profanity, Crude Signs

Media reports sugarcoat bitter rhetoric from Thursday’s demonstrations November 14, 2016 In Milwaukee’s Red Arrow Park and on State Street in Madison, demonstrators gathered Thursday night to protest Tuesday’s election results and the victory of President-elect Donald Trump. The MacIver Institute documented both events, which featured mostly peaceful protesters carrying a variety of signs -…

Trump wins U.S. Presidency! Climate Skeptics Rejoice! Set to dismantle & Defund UN/EPA climate agenda!

Climate Depot publisher Marc Morano’s statement on President Elect Donald J. Trump: Morano: “Climate sanity has been restored to the U.S. No longer do we have to hear otherwise intelligent people in charge in DC blather on about how UN treaties or EPA regulations will control the Earth’s temperature or storminess. The election of Trump…

Trump Triumphs!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 will be a date that lives in infamy. Donald Trump completed the impossible – at least according to East Coast talking heads, Media Elites and Establishment Political Insiders – by winning the presidency without cow towing to Corporate America, Amnesty Advocates or One World Government socialists. As my neighbor so succinctly…

Trump and the Emasculated Voter

There’s only one way to protect the nation from Hillary Clinton, and that is to vote for Donald Trump. Some conservatives have watched their evaluations of Donald Trump’s character drop so low in recent days that on this vital question they no longer see a choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Accordingly, they are…

If We Reject Trump, We May Be Inviting Persecution

When the election is Constantine vs. Diocletian, Christians don’t get to stay home. Should Christians get behind Donald Trump?   As I’ve demonstrated here, on every criterion of politics, it seems to me that electing Donald Trump is less dangerous to the preaching of the gospel, the safety of Christian institutions from colleges down to…