376 search results for "donald trump"

Trump Thank You Tour Says it All

Now that Donald Trump completed his sweep of the electoral games while wholly unmasking of the mainstream media lie machine, America can clearly focus on the vision Trump laid forth for the nation over the past 18 months. A beautiful but simple vision: Make America Great Again!   We deplorables in fly-over country all know…

Israel’s first move with the Trump administration

By Caroline GlickIsraeli officials are thrilled with the national security team that US President-elect Donald Trump is assembling. And they are right to be. The question now is how Israel should respond to the opportunity they present us with. The one issue that brings together all of the top officials Trump has named so far…

Can Trump Reverse Desperate Iran Nuclear Concessions?

Last Wednesday, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini threatened that Tehran “would retaliate” if sanctions breaching their nuclear agreement with the U.S. were extended. If so, which agreement he is referring to? Congressman Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to head the CIA, has appropriately been handed a big job to unravel a tangle of…

Trump Thank You Tour Says it All

By Steve WelcenbachNow that Donald Trump completed his sweep of the electoral games while wholly unmasking of the mainstream media lie machine, America can clearly focus on the vision Trump laid forth for the nation over the past 18 months. A beautiful but simple vision: Make America Great Again! We deplorables in fly-over country all…

Conservatives must strongly support Trump on climate change

By Tom HarrisPresident-elect Donald Trump’s opposition to the global warming alarm is a refreshing change from the Obama administration’s naïve and hugely expensive crusade to lead the world to ‘save the climate.” Not only has Trump been right on the money in his descriptions of the sub-prime science underlying the scare. He also clearly understands…