One Nation Under God

What Purpose! Are they sabotaging themselves?

Grassroots organizations, Tea Parties with various names, from Rock River Patriots, Wisconsin Grandsons and Liberty, AFP, WPN, etc. are becoming too numerous to keep track of. What do they stand for? Why? Is it to educate people about politicians and information about the current administration’s handling? Or eliminating our rights as citizens to be independent and use our own God-given abilities to take care of ourselves and those we love?

Cut out big government. Harness their obsession with controlling free enterprise and Obama-care, no longer known as health care. Unstimulating stimulization. People think that government owes them the right to equal funds without using our own ability of self-reliance and using our God-given talent, and yes, even sweat.

The grassroots are great if they could only become more entwined, coming together. There is strength in numbers. Is the problem; too many chiefs of small groups; who after becoming noticed, seek more power for recognition?

Last month I found this evident in an article written in two communistic newspapers; the Milwaukee Journal and the Shepherd Express. Gentlemen, please! We are aware that this media is on the left. Also UWM Political Science Professor, Mordecai Lee, brainwashes our young adults.

The Milwaukee Journal and the Shepherd Express presented these grassroots organizations as argumentative and not in agreement with the other grassroots organizations such as the Tea Parties, Republican Party, and Republican candidates.

We must come together and educate each other. Now is the time to stand together and inform the Republican Party to go back to our God given morals and values. Perhaps we should use some of our time and talent to get involved with the Republican Party. Maybe they could use some of your understanding of the Constitution, and Patriot Act, etc. The old Republican Party can become the responsible conservative party it used to be. Many have learned from the errors of past decades.

Yes, there are some old Republican elitists in and out of office, but we know who they are. We have awakened a sleeping giant! Us! The grassroots.

Please encourage our Republican Party to know we stand up for them. Make your voice known at the Republican Primary on September 14, 2010. Band together! This is what the Democrats do not want. Show the world that what Mike McCabe, Executive Director of Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, calls “Interesting Dancing between grassroots candidates and Republicans,” IS UNITY for bringing God back into this once blessed country.

So let’s hold the Republican Party’s feet to the fire, but please don’t burn them. Pray, join, and let’s make the Republican Party accountable to cut big government. We must also encourage them to revive what all our soldiers have fought for; FREEDOM!