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Petroleum: Where does it come from?

by Howard Hayden Coal is carbon mixed with minerals. Being a solid, it retains physical features that divulge its origin. The existence of fossil fern leaves in coal tells us that coal came from prehistoric plant life. If that weren’t enough of a clue, the world has many peat beds where decaying vegetable matter, in…

The Mortgage Crisis

A Small Town Banker’s Perspective Editor’s Note: This article is the first in a three-part series about the current mortgage crisis in America. by Jerry O’Connor, President The National Bank of Waupun January 2010 Fundamentally an economic crisis is preceded by a breakdown in one or more of the systems or operations that the affected…

A Day Defending the American Dream

AFP Rocks Chula Vista by Ken Van Doren Some 2500 people gathered at Chula Vista Resort on March 13 for the Americans for Prosperity sponsored Defending the American Dream conference.As I approached the entrance, I was greeted by emissaries of the Mark Neumann and Scott Walker campaigns for Governor, and offered campaign stickers. Not wanting…

Scott Walker vs. Tom Barrett

by Keith Best Governor Jim Doyle gave a speech where he said “we should not, we must not, I will not raise taxes.” Since then he has raided funds in the state treasury, raised fees and taxes. Surprise! It took awhile but the people of Wisconsin finally caught on to the games Doyle has been…


Steve’s Say… My Father was born in Milwaukee on August 22, 1921. His parents were both immigrants from Europe who came through Ellis Island just before WWI and journeyed to Milwaukee to settle with other German kin who were willing to sponsor them. Once in Milwaukee, they became integrated into the ethnic community. This process…