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U.S. Army doctor, in stunning vaccine testimony: ‘I have been ordered not to answer that question’

A U.S. Army medical officer has testified in court that she was ordered by a superior to suppress data about Covid-19 vaccine injuries amid Team Biden’s push to mandate the jab. Asked during a March 10 hearing about Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) report revealing a high rate of vaccine injuries among military personnel, Lt.…

True the Vote: 137,000 ballots at Wisconsin drop boxes in 2020 were ‘trafficked’

More than 137,000 ballots that were placed in Wisconsin drop boxes in the 2020 election were “trafficked,” according to True the Vote. In testimony on Thursday before the Campaigns and Elections Committee in the Wisconsin Assembly on their investigation of ballot trafficking at the state’s ballot drop boxes, Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips from True…

Democracy when Imposed Domestically

Citizens received an education in the last year on the destructive capacity of the government’s use of emergency laws to address Covid and the Southern Border Wall. The government invoked these emergencies to drive its political agenda by enhancing its power. It is one thing when a government uses emergency powers against warring countries like…

Tim Ramthun Interview with Reality News

Most Wisconsinites engaged in the welfare of their state and continuation of the republic set forth in the US Constitution understand that the Democrat Party in collaboration with various foreign entities stole the Presidency of the United States in the November 2020 election. The plethora of data and physical evidence supporting this conclusion continues to…