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Prosecuting Climate Chaos Skeptics with RICO

It’s been a rough stretch for Climate Armageddon religionists and totalitarians. Real World science, climate and weather events just don’t support their manmade cataclysm narrative. The horrid consequences of anti-fossil fuel energy policies are increasingly in the news. And despite campaigns by the $1.5-trillion-peryear government-industry-activist-scientific Climate Crisis Consortium, Americans consistently rank global warming at the…

Deep-Sixing Another Useful Climate Myth

By now, virtually everyone has heard that “97% of scientists agree: Climate change is real, manmade and dangerous.” Even if you weren’t one of his 31 million followers who received this tweet from President Obama, you most assuredly have seen it repeated everywhere as scientific fact. The correct representation is “yes,” “some,” and “no.” Yes,…