
A New Strategy for Tax Cheats

You can guess what would happen if you used the same tactics that climate alarmists employ Suppose you’ve been using some creative data, accounting and legal interpretations for years to reduce your tax bill – and the IRS suddenly flags you for a full-blown audit. Instead of trembling in your boots, shredding your records, calling…

More outrages and insanities in Paris

If alarmists get what they want at the climate gabfest, the consequences will be disastrousThe Senate will not approve or appropriate money for anything President Obama might agree to in Paris, and developing countries will not (and should not) stop building coal-fired power plants and using fossil fuels to lift billions out of abject poverty.…

Hope for our water woes found in fracking technologies

For years, water, or, more accurately, its scarcity, has been predicted to be the next doomsday scenario. In 1994, the American Philosophical Society published a book bearing the title: I Is water our next crisis? In 2007, NBC featured: Crisis feared as U.S. water supplies dry up. More recently, in 2011, NPR did a story…

Reducing CO2 Emissions as a Precaution against Possible ‘Climate Change’ is All Pain, No Gain

Originally published in The Stream. The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris is about to begin, so climate change alarmists will again be trumpeting Principle #15 of the 1992 Rio Declaration, also known as the Precautionary Principle: In order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by States according…