
Veterans Day is a Joke

Wednesday is Veterans Day. Don’t screw it up. Here are 5 suggestions (from one veteran’s perspective, anyway) on how to return some dignity to a day that used to mean something: Don’t thank me for serving, then go save 10% on a new blender, mattress, or pair of shoes. Veterans Day sales are about as…

Green Tech – the climate crisis syndicate Manufactured climate crisis fears and renewable energy schemes create gold mine for the rich

Renewable Portfolio Standard advocates recently held their 2015 National Summit. The draft RPS agenda suggests it was quite an event – populated by bureaucrats, scientists and consultants who have jumped on the climate and “green energy” bandwagon, to follow the money. Indeed, they are no longer content with 10% corn ethanol in gasoline, or some…

On climate change, Catholic leaders must believe in miracles

For the first time, “Catholic leaders representing all regional and national bishops conferences” have come together in a “joint appeal.” According to reporting in the New York Times, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, archbishop of Mumbai, India, called the October 26 meeting at the Vatican a “historic occasion.” What brought all these Catholic leaders together for the…

In Defense of Christendom

Having ignored its inheritance, Europe wonders why its house is falling apart.The death of Europe is in sight. Still hazy and not yet inevitable, but nevertheless visible and drawing nearer—like a distant planet in the lens of an approaching satellite. Europe is reaching its end not because of its sclerotic economy, or stagnant demography, or…