
Going, Going…Gone

Why Are Young People Walking Away From Our Churches? During the past thirty years of traveling the world and speaking in churches, I have been deeply burdened by distraught parents pleading for advice on how to reach their children who were brought up in the church but no longer attend. “How can I reach them?…

The world needs more energy!

Poor countries have a right to use fossil fuels and will no longer let anyone stop usOur planet is blessed with abundant resources that can generate enormous energy, provide raw materials for wondrous technologies, and build modern homes, roads and other structures – to support every man, woman and child on this earth. But can…

Conservatives must strongly support Trump on climate change

By Tom HarrisPresident-elect Donald Trump’s opposition to the global warming alarm is a refreshing change from the Obama administration’s naïve and hugely expensive crusade to lead the world to ‘save the climate.” Not only has Trump been right on the money in his descriptions of the sub-prime science underlying the scare. He also clearly understands…

Trump Triumphs!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 will be a date that lives in infamy. Donald Trump completed the impossible – at least according to East Coast talking heads, Media Elites and Establishment Political Insiders – by winning the presidency without cow towing to Corporate America, Amnesty Advocates or One World Government socialists. As my neighbor so succinctly…