
Can Trump Reverse Desperate Iran Nuclear Concessions?

Last Wednesday, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini threatened that Tehran “would retaliate” if sanctions breaching their nuclear agreement with the U.S. were extended. If so, which agreement he is referring to? Congressman Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to head the CIA, has appropriately been handed a big job to unravel a tangle of…

Robin Vos is a Snake!!!

By Rock River Patriots If you are Pro-Life and truly want to see government reform, call Robin Vos’ office and demand they pass the Baby Body Parts bill this session. Tell him we don’t need new taxes and increased spending on roads. Here is his road plan: http://wispolitics.com/1006/160907Transporta tion.pdf “Republican State Representative Andre Jacque tells…

Sea level rise – or land subsidence?

Alarmist claims about rising seas inundating coastal areas blame the wrong culprit In his 2006 Inconvenient Truth mockumentary, Al Gore infamously predicted melting ice caps would cause oceans to rise “up to 20 feet” (6.1 meters) “in the near future.” Kevin Costner’s 1995 “action thriller” Water World presumed totally melting planetary ice would almost submerge…

Rolling back environmental progress?

Having achieved major goals, US should refocus EPA and other environmental agenciesDonald Trump plans to “roll back progress” on climate change, energy and the environment, activists, regulators and their media allies assert. The claim depends on one’s definition of “progress.” These interest groups define “progress” as ever-expanding laws, regulations, bureaucracies and power, to bring air…

Trump Thank You Tour Says it All

By Steve WelcenbachNow that Donald Trump completed his sweep of the electoral games while wholly unmasking of the mainstream media lie machine, America can clearly focus on the vision Trump laid forth for the nation over the past 18 months. A beautiful but simple vision: Make America Great Again! We deplorables in fly-over country all…

The Phony War Against CO2

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article by physicist Rodney W. Nichols and geologist and Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt that makes perfect sense. Here’s its start: National polls show that climate change is low on the list of voters’ priorities. For good reason: In the U.S., and for much of the world, the…