
The Week That Was April 22nd, 2017

Joint Petition to Reconsider: Although not discussed in prior TWTWs, SEPP joined the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) in filing a joint petition to the EPAto reconsider its 2009 finding that greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, endanger public health and welfare. The petition was filed on February 17, 2017, and slightly revised on February 23. Such…

Action Plan for President Trump

Recommendations from The Heartland Institute Energy and Environment: Adopting a Pro-Environment, Pro-Energy, Pro-Jobs agenda would produce millions of jobs and billions of dollars in income while more effectively protecting the natural environment than is currently being accomplished by a massive federal bureaucracy and intrusive regulations, specifically: Create a President’s Council on Climate Change charged with…

Steve’s Say . . . Political Apartheid

I’m sure by now most Reality News readers figured out that the April edition arrived late. The editor apologizes for this inconvenience. However, I do have an explanation to offer you which I think you will find reasonable and compelling. The April RN edition tardiness occurred because your editor went to South Africa with his…

Financial security versus independence

The changing face of the United States should be viewed as an opportunity In 2015, the Bureau of Labor (BLS) Statistics released the results of a study dubbed the “National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979.” This survey observed the employment habits of nearly ten thousand men and women of various groups over a 30- year…

The federal government should keep its nose out of local law enforcement

The Federal government’s infusion of race politics into local policing, one that undermines law enforcement, has been dealt a blow by Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ recently released memo to review all so-called “police reform” activities. These federal efforts, which were aimed less at reform and more at increasing authority and power over local law enforcement,…