
Off to a bumbling start at Interior

If this is the kind of house cleaning and swamp draining we’re going to get, we’re in real trouble Was it because there were too few senior Trump Administration officials in place to catch and stop it? Or because Department of the Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke was new on the job, and had so much…

Congress, Courts Must Help Trump Drain EPA Swamp

It’s far too early to gloat about glimmers of hope that a Trump administration sea change will finally reverse a rising tide of contrived climate alarm-premised regulatory assaults on fossil energy. Whereas encouraging White House staff appointments and executive orders come and go, any long-term win will require more durable congressional legislative actions. Agood start…

Real science must guide policy

Climate alarmists use faulty science and bald assertions to demand end to fossil fuelsAll too many alarmist climate scientists have received millions in taxpayer grants over the years, relied on computer models that do not reflect real-world observations, attacked and refused to debate scientists who disagree with manmade climate cataclysm claims, refused to share their…

New well perf systems reveal efficiency, evolution in shale

DynaEnergetics is doing its part to make the unconventional oil and gas industry more efficient. After requests from customers to help them lower completion costs during the recent industry downturn, Frank Preiss, vice president and general manager of the company’s Americas unit, said his team began thinking of new ways to perforate a well. Their…

Cause for Alarm

“Remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set.”-Proverbs 22:28When a Castle is surrounded by armies of enemy aliens, you do not lower the draw bridge. In 1453, Constantinople was surrounded by Muslim Turks, and some idiot unlocked the gate. Today we have politicians trying to lower the protective walls of our US Constitution…

A Safe County for Black Criminals

“When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” -Proverbs 29:2 Department of Neighborhood Services Inspector Gregory “Ziggy” Zyszkiewicz, 64, was found dead in his car near N. 23rd and W. Cherry streets around 2 p.m. He was allegedly shot in a carjacking attempt, even though…