
Gov. Walker Needs Our Help

The Sheboygan Liberty Coalition is partnering with Citizens for Responsible Zoning and Landowner Rights to preserve our Lake Michigan. Gov. Walker is believing NOAA rather than his Wisconsin constituents. This will be terrible loss for Wisconsin, our maritime industries and fishermen. We are planning a Street Rally in Sheboygan on September 21. Please reply back…

Letter to Editor: NOAA Lake MI sanctuary

Dear Sen. Fitzgerald: I’m asking for your support in stopping the NOAA from taking control over what are sovereign rights WI has over Lake MI and its shore land high water land areas. I will try to make this brief. 1) NOAA, if you do some research, has proven is not to be trusted. This…

Letter to Editor:

Dear Governor Walker, I am writing in response to your letter dated August 10, 2017, concerning the proposed Lake Michigan National Marine Sanctuary. The following day, NOAA announced a “planning” grant of over $800,000 to the State of Wisconsin. The timing is suspicious and makes it appear that you have made your decision and essentially…

Hulk Actor Mark Ruffalo issues death wish: Urges ‘Fly Rush Limbaugh to Hurricane Irma!’ – Round up of ‘death wish’ calls

Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo has issued a death wish for conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh. Ruffalo urged a “gofund me campaign”to “fly Rush Limbaugh to Hurricane Irma!” http://1ggye33lc4653z56mp34pl6t.wpengine.n etdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/ Screenshot-2017-09-08-at-09.30.41.png Ruffalo’s death wish for Limbaugh follows a long line of climate activists who have issued similar calls for harm to come to climate skeptics. See:…

The Hurricane Harvey Hustle

Facts about Harvey trump attempts to use it to advance manmade climate cataclysm agendas “When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight,” English essayist Samuel Johnson observed 240 years ago, “it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” That’s certainly true in the climate change arena. After ending US participation in the Paris climate treaty…