

“Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can it be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.” Romans 8:7-8 When I was in school, athletes were called jocks or meatheads. Most of them were sadistic and their big…


For several centuries Americans, both male and female, in uniforms or civvies sacrificed mutely with no regard to reward. They gave without complaint and tried to create a more perfect society. The NFL players and owners are different in attitude. Collectively they are, “The few that owe so much, to so many.” They are Ingrates…

Corrupt Climate Science Discredits NASA

By Larry Bell Lots of global warming alarmists are hyperventilating over President Donald Trump’s pick of U.S. Rep. Jim Bridenstine, R-Okla. a “climate change denier,” to head NASA. Hopefully, he will give them good reason for cold sweats by ending the agency’s politically corrupt and embarrassing role in perpetuating history’s arguably most costly fraud. Harsh…

The Week That Was October 14th, 2017

Challenging Green: On October 9, former prime minister of Australia Tony Abbott gave a noteworthy speech at the annual lecture of the Global Warming Policy Forum. Abbott is the former leader of the Liberal Party of Australia, classical liberal. In his speech, Abbott challenged the false “climate consensus” and false belief accompanying it that solar…

Elections Expert Questions Controversial Voter ID Study

Study author defends methodology, but tells MacIver election result would be the same  [Madison, Wis…] A new study suggests Wisconsin’s voter ID law dissuaded thousands of potential Wisconsin voters in the liberal bastions of Dane and Milwaukee counties from casting ballots in the November presidential election. But perhaps the study’s most troubling number is its…