
Carbon Tax Ignorance

 There’s a new push on to institute a carbon tax in America. This is folly. Bi-partisan folly. The carbon tax folks have compiled a large list of economists and past public office-holders in support, with some pretty impressive names on board. The names include such heavy-hitters as Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, Janet Yellen, George Shultz,…

US-Israel relations – an American perspective

 A realistic evaluation of the key elements which have shaped US-Israel relations, should not focus on the relatively secondary role – regionally and globally – played by the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Palestinian issue and domestic US politics. The substantial amplification of the mutually-beneficial US-Israel cooperation militarily, intelligence-wise, technologically and commercially – has been driven by…

WILL Asks Supreme Court to Rule War Memorial Cross Constitutional

    The News: WILL filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in a pair of consolidated cases, The American Legion v. American Humanist Association and Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission v. American Humanist Association. The amicus asks the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a Fourth Circuit decision and decide that a…

New Research Identifies Hidden Frack Networks to Boost Production

By Los Alamos National Laboratory A new computational model could potentially boost efficiencies and profits in natural gas production by better predicting previously hidden fracture mechanics. It also accurately accounts for the known amounts of gas released during the process. “Our model is far more realistic than current models and software used in the industry,” said…

Anheuser-Busch Should Pull Its Deceptive Super Bowl Commercial

  Anheuser-Busch is running a Super Bowl commercial claiming that Budweiser is “now brewed with wind power for a better tomorrow.” Budweiser beer cans now say “brewed with 100% renewable electricity from wind power.” According to Tyler White, President of the Kentucky Coal Association, “Actually, Budweiser is brewed with mostly fossil fuels.” Two-thirds of the…