
CFACT corrects the AP on climate

  Global warming campaigners routinely distort weather data to boost their narrative. They feed this information to friendly reporters who put it in print without critical evaluation. AP reporter Seth Borenstein is a go-to guy for pressure groups pushing warming. He recently cited temperature data showing more record highs occurring than lows as evidence of…

Green Pests

First Green Climatists destroyed reliable coal-fired power stations, trying to replace them with intermittent wind-solar toys and a giant $90M battery. Then a Green PM donated $444M of taxpayer money to discourage industry near the Great Barrier Reef. Then droughts helped Green water-wasters to kill rural industries from Townsville to Broken Hill. Then floods in…

The Palestinians say NO; Trump should listen

In his speech to the World Economic Forum on Tuesday Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the Trump administration will be unveiling its plan for peace between Israel and the Palestinians shortly after Israel’s April 9 general elections. Pompeo said, “It seems to me that we’re at a point in time where there are…

“Our Tiniest Patients”

“And Whosever receivth one such little child in my name reiceveth me.” Matthew 18:5Every month I receive a free magazine in the mail called “Froedtert Today” from Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin. In the January 2019 edition there was an article called, “supporting our tiniest patients.” The article reported that a wealthy anonymous…

Sanctuary City

“Thou shalt not follow a multitude to evil, neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:” Exodus 23:2 By Riley J. Hood—Milwaukee County Constitution Party The word “sanctuary” meant a holy place, from the Latin “Sanctus,” which means separate, or holy. Of course Democrats, and some cheap labor Republicans…