Monthly Archives: August 2011

Evaluating the Democrat Recall Elections

By Steve Welcenbach Tuesday night, both Jim Holperin and Bob Wirch were able to retain their Senate seats after being recalled for abandoning their sworn obligation to participate in the legislative process by representing the constituents of their electoral district. These Senators were recalled for cause – abandonment – not for voting their ideology as…

Alberta Darling – Our Hero

Accomplishing the seemingly impossible last week. By Steve Welcenbach After an onslaught of money and attack ads never before seen any any state senate election anywhere ever, after being the direct target of the President’s own political action hit team, she not only retained her Senate seat after being recalled but annihilated her opponent. She…


“Greenhouse Effect” At the July 15-17 Albuquerque meeting of the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness, Christopher Essex explained the distinction between the “greenhouse effect” and what happens in real greenhouses. In both cases, there is incoming sunlight, and in both cases there is IR radiating from the heated surface, and there are phenomena like evaporation and…

A Busy Six Months

By Glen Grothman Among other things, the Legislature and Governor Walker have: Passed a state budget (2011 Act 32) on time, without tax increases, that leaves Wisconsin in the black for the first time in over a decade: • Turned a $3 billion deficit into a $300 million surplus • Instituted the first permanent property…

Big Brother at His Worst

Dear Friend of CV, The Catholic Church in America will be forced to fund contraception and sterilizations? In America? For real? Right now President Obama’s handpicked Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius is preparing to decide on a new regulation (under Obamacare) that would eventually require virtually all insurance plans (including private plans)…