Alberta Darling – Our Hero

Accomplishing the seemingly impossible last week.

By Steve Welcenbach

After an onslaught of money and attack ads never before seen any any state senate election anywhere ever, after being the direct target of the President’s own political action hit team, she not only retained her Senate seat after being recalled but annihilated her opponent. She won by a margin so large that it dwarfed any from the recent past, eventually shaming her opponent Sandy Pasch and her Leftist army into silence after several key members made wild charges of election tampering in Waukesha county. We haven’t seen nor heard from Sandy Pasch since.

Alberta became the star of the talk radio circuit the next day, both locally and nationally. Rush Limbaugh reported her extraordinary but unsurprising success in his beginning monolog. Her endless energy and perfect articulation of the conservative principles she embraced in her decision-making process during the budget repair debate are now preserved as a template for all conservative candidates seeking election in the future. Her political courage in the face of this onslaught has no rival, save possibly the coolness of the Governor, whose unwavering leadership kept things from getting out of hand while allowing the entirely of his plans to be implemented.

Alberta Darling showed to all the electoral rewards of embracing conservative principles and displaying unwavering political courage. She also created the blueprint of how to play in the new political game of constant recall elections, taking the challenge seriously right from the start by getting in front of the issues and defining herself and her actions before her opponent had the opportunity. She also relentlessly punished her opponent by continually citing Pasch’s own voting record in the state assembly.

Alberta Darling is a star. And for me, I get the honor of voting for her in the next (2012) election for I have been redistricted into her region. Sorry Rich Zipperer. You are a bright and rising star in Wisconsin conservative politics and will always have my support. I know you will use the trail Alberta has blazed for all of our politicians and candidates to fight the guerilla warfare this new political game of constant recall elections requires.