Open letter to Christians and “Christian” Pastors

By Danny Krueger, CCCP (Christian Conservative Constitutional Patriot)

Are we part of the church militant or the church impotent? Until Jesus returns, aren’t we supposed to spread the Gospel and oppose evil? When we clearly see good vs. evil, what do we do? Do we seek “middle ground”, agree to disagree, compromise, or remain neutral, i.e.. “luke warm”? Are we ready to get off the sidelines and into the battle?

Paul tells us in Eph. 6:13ff, we need to put on the full armor of God to withstand the evil day, to stand firm, stand our ground. Buckle up with the belt of truth, put on the breastplate of righteousness, fit our feet with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. When we fit our feet, it’s not so we can run away fast. It is so that we can wade into battle with a firm foundation and understanding. Take up the shield of faith to extinguish the darts and arrows of the evil one. (Those would be the lies and deceptions of the evil one and his minions.) Put on the helmet of salvation, use our heads. Grab hold of the sword of the spirit, the word of God. Shine the light of truth on the darkness and into the shadows of the realm of evil.

Jesus confronts Peter about his faith in Matt. 16:18. Peter confesses Jesus as the Son of God. Jesus acknowledges Peter’s faith as coming from the Father and says on that Rock of faith He will build His church. And the gates of Hell will not prevail against it. Well, what does this imply? Simply that the church should be on offense and the powers of Hell on defense. And that if we, as the church choose to fight, we will win. It’s Joshua time. What do we choose? “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.” Burke. Here are some random thoughts to consider.

How is unfounded, vicious character assassination any different from murdering the unborn?

If we allow evil to go unchallenged, do we not also condone it? If we don’t take a stand against evil, do we enable evil? God tells us through His prophet Ezekiel, that the watchmen, the shepherds, the spiritual leaders must warn the people or be held responsible for the death of the people. If the people choose not to listen, that’s different. But if we don’t warn them, it’s on us.

Would we forsake the truth to retain the tithe? (I know, harsh, but real.) Are we afraid of offending evil? Do we care more about our church than the souls in our church? If we know the truth and don’t speak it, is that like a lie? Who will take a stand and when? If not us, then who? If not now, then when?