Letter to the Editor

Maybe time to take a stand...

One of the blogs today equated what Cruz and Lee are doing to shining the light on cockroaches (RINOs who have been talking a good game) and watching them scurry for cover. True, the brave senators cannot win, especially if their own party opposes them. But, to use an extreme example, (may be not so extreme), if an overwhelming force is about trying to kill my children what am I to do? Will I simply stand aside because there is no way I can beat them? Or will I fight to my last breath trying to save them, knowing full well I may be killed in the process? Or, maybe I can compromise with them. Maybe they would agree to only kill two of my three children if I strike a deal with them. Or maybe not kill them, maybe just take their money and enslave them.

Maybe time for our establishment leaders to grow a couple, to take a stand, stop focusing on tactics, (doing the thing right), and start focusing on principles, (doing the right thing). (Maybe time to take another look at the 17th Amendment.)

If our founding Fathers had been more willing to compromise in a conflict they could not win, we could be singing "God Save the King", and paying tribute to George Xll . If Churchill had been more willing to compromise, we could be singing "Deutschland Uber Alles" and shouting "Sieg Heil" with a straight-arm salute. If Reagan had been more willing to compromise, we could have had national health care a lot sooner.

Danny Krueger, CCCP

Montello, WI 53949