Letter to the Editor

Dear Gov. (candidate) Walker,

You really knocked it out of the park! By shining the light of day on the facts of "before" and "after", no one can doubt the stark difference between a truly free society and economy and one controlled by special interests and statist collectivists. In so doing, I suspect you have just made yourself the next target. Expect a call from the IRS. I worked for you twice in as many years and I will work for you again.

I understand, I think, your wanting to focus on certain top-tier issues in your speech, and you did address education. However, I still need to know where you stand on Common Core Federal Standards, (not a typo), and the top-down command and control approach to education being promoted by Fed. Dept. of Ed., DPI, Gates Foundation, Pearson Publishing, Bill Ayers, David Coleman and others. We the people of Wisconsin could not possibly do worse than the bureaucrats who designed this mess and we should tell them to keep their standards, thank you very much, and we'll do our own. And, we will have input from parents, teachers and local school boards, who are in a much better position to know what our students need in the way of real education and not just more indoctrination.

I understand you will be busy for awhile explaining and promoting your policies around the state. I would encourage you to very soon take an unequivocal stand against the Fed takeover of education in our state. If the left can control the content, or lack thereof, being taught in our schools, which they have for many years, (How could a Marxist like Obama be re- elected unless masses of voters have been kept ignorant?!), then all your reforms will be only temporary and have no lasting effect. That would be a shame.

"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." Vladimir Lenin

Thank you for your attention to this most important issue.

The truth will keep us free,

Danny Krueger

N2735 Lakeshore Dr

Montello, Wi

 53949 414-651-8888