What if Gas Cost $2 a Gallon?

"I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution ... taking from the federal
government their power of borrowing." Thomas Jefferson (Letter of November 26th, 1798)

By Frank Lasee

Think of all the things you and your  family could buy if gas prices were only  half of what they are.

It's the time of year where many families  that are able to are taking vacations.  Unfortunately, many are skipping trips  because of the cost or they're staying closer  to home.

What if gas cost $2 a gallon instead of  nearly $4 a gallon? If gas was just $2, most  people would have more money in their  pockets – every week, every month, all year  long – and the cost of most things we buy  would be going down, instead of up.

The mainstream leftist media is keeping a  secret from you. They don't want you to  know that the state with one of the lowest  unemployment rates in the country is North  Dakota. They have this low unemployment  rate of 3.8 percent when the rest of the  nation is at 9.2 percent because there is an  oil boom in North Dakota.

We have more oil in our country right now  than we've ever known before. We could be  exploring for more, harvesting more and  refining more. If lefties would let us change  our energy policies we could lower the  prices. That would help those at the bottom  rungs of the economic ladder – the very  people the left claims to be helping. The  law of supply and demand, which is forever  ignored by the left, would come into play  and gas would be going down in cost. So  would many things we buy.

When energy costs go down, the  economy grows. That is why the Chinese  are investing in all types of energy, most  heavily in coal and nuclear power for  electricity. When oil goes down in price,  everything that is delivered by truck, ship or  plane costs less. Food, hard goods,  clothing, driving – the list could go on  forever – all cost less. With that money  staying in the pockets of regular people  instead of going into gas tanks and even  more expensive stuff, our economy would  take off. And a growing economy always  means more jobs. More jobs mean better  lives for more people.

Think about this with electricity, too. If  your electric bill cost half as much instead  of twice as much – which is likely with the  policies coming out of Washington – you  could spend more on things of your  choosing.

The EPA wants rules that will increase  your electric bills. "Green" energy  mandates in Minnesota are going to send  their electric bills up by 50 to 100 percent in  the next decade, and this is all directly  related to policies coming from Washington  and some state capitols.

Just like families, if a company or a store  has to pay a lot more for gas or electric, the  price of what they sell is passed on to you.  Because things cost more, you'll have less  money. With less money, you can't buy as  many things as you want. This hurts our  economy.

We need to create policies that push the  prices of gas and electricity down, not up.  That's why I authored the hydro electric bill  that helps do that.

Leftists believe that making things more  expensive somehow creates jobs. They're  dead wrong. With lower gas and electric  prices, more people would be able to take  that vacation to Door County or the North  Woods. That would mean more money to  owners of small resorts, more money for  restaurants (and their employees), more  money to the thousands of small businesses  throughout Wisconsin. That means jobs,  more income and more consumer freedom  to buy the things you want.

That's how economies grow. 

Frank Lasee is the Senator from  Wisconsin's First Senate District.

Capitol Update

Last week the Senate and the Assembly  passed the redistricting bills we are  Constitutionally required to do every 10  years and sent them to the Assembly. We  do this after the census to adjust for  changes in population. Our state has 33  Senate districts with about 172,000 people  and 99 Assembly districts. There are three  Assembly districts nestled in each Senate  district. I voted for these bills and they've  been to the Governor's desk to be signed  into law.

Also, the Governor signed the bill  ending early release of prisoners. This will  make our state safer.

Any comments or thoughts regarding  the subject of this Lasee's Notes, please  feel free to contact me. 

State Capitol Room 104S

PO Box 7882, Madison, WI 53708

(608) 266-3512

Email: Sen.Lasee@legis.wisconsin.gov

"There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty,

that makes human nature rise above

itself, in acts of bravery and heroism."

Alexander Hamilton