Wisconsin Activist Army Won Crucial Victory, But Much Work Lies Ahead

By Steve Welcenbach and Dennis Barthenheier

The importance of the Hagedorn election to the Wisconsin Supreme Court cannot be overstated. Securing a strict constitutional court for the next four years ensures the continuation of the myriad of reforms and policies which revolutionized the Wisconsin economic landscape. Yes, it was a BIG win. A really big one!

But when you delve into the details of what occurred in the April 2nd election, some monstrous facts jump out at you. As with the Trump election of 2016, the last gubernatorial election and this one, the people of the outstate (everyone except Dane, Milwaukee and the WOWcounties) showed up big. The percentages of conservative voters in most areas was well over 60% and turnout numbers significantly higher than April elections of the past. These are the Walker and Trump voters responsible for the change of 2010 and Trump’s big victory here in 2016.

But what about the WOW (Waukesha, Ozaukee & Washington) counties? In 2010 these three counties had such high turnouts and such high percentages for the conservative candidates they overwhelmed the Leftists of Milwaukee and Dane counties. This counterbalance of the commonsense suburbanites against the city-dwelling Leftists continued unabated for several years. But a trend of voter erosion began sometime after 2014 and has continued.

In 2014 Walker received over 160,000 votes in Waukesha County. Trump received only 146,000 in 2016 and Walker about the same last September. Not only has conservative vote counts decreased but the opposition numbers have increased simultaneously by 12,000 up to 20,000 in the major elections. Such numbers might indicate natural demographic trends, the dying of older conservative voters being replaced by younger liberal adults, the post Obama economic trend of younger people returning to house purchasing and suburban living, and the subversive Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) of HUD which aims to forcibly incorporate low income individuals into suburban communities.

Voter turnout provides another factor leading to this numerical decline of conservative votes in Waukesha and likely the other two WOWcounties. My wife Susan worked the polls from 2009 until the Obama 2012 election. Ward 19 in Menomonee Falls routinely had 92-97% turnout in the recall and all major elections. Additionally, dozens to hundreds of new registrations occurred. A Walker vote percentage greater than 70% happened every time.

After the Obama re-election disaster, Susan couldn’t take it anymore. So I began working elections in February 2013, not in my home Ward 19 but at St. James Church which accommodates Menomonee Falls voters of Wards 21, 22 & 23. I’ve worked the books in all of them in the years since. Most of the time our voters exceed the expected turnout numbers substantially, sometimes double or even higher. Lately, however, the turnout percentage fell precipitously. In the April election of 2018, a measly 28% turned out. That’s not going to win a statewide judicial race. In November the turnout number reach 88%. We all knew we needed to be well above 90% to have a chance.

So what about the Hagedorn race? 37% of voters of Ward 21 turned out, a substantial improvement from the paltry 28% of the previous April. But c’mon people. Really? You tell me that less than half of the people turning out for the Governor or President don’t see the significance or value in making this crucial selection of a governmental position? We left alot of conservative votes on the table. This has to change. With regard to candidate support from the GOP and outside groups, well, let’s just say a mixed bag kindly characterizes the situation. For starters, the good news. The county GOP leaders, and being a Waukesha County resident I’ll give kudos to our new party chairman Terry Dietrich, embraced the grassroots activists (TEA Party people, Deplorables, et al) and worked with them side by side and hand in hand to get out consistent messaging and make personal contacts. Literature drops, post cards and personal letters sent, and countless posts to facebook and other social media stressed the importance of this election and what truly was at stake. These efforts drove the improved turnout numbers for Hagedorn.

The Madison cabal of intelligentsia seemed content to concede defeat and allow this election to slide by as another faux data point that conservative activism (aka The TEA Party) was dead. Wrong. But thank God for this ambivalence, for they would’ve done more damage than good. The last thing we need is input from a bunch of know-it-all know-nothings. They are proven losers. With regard to outside group help, well, there was none. The Wisconsin Realtors gave into Leftist identity politics pressure and revoked its endorsement of Hagedorn, essentially agreeing that the bigoted Hagedorn had no business being part of any position in government, much less the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Supposedly much internal dissension came from this reversal, some report as much as 80% of membership rebelling against leadership. We’ll see how this plays out. Funny how a group so dependent on the idea of private property rights cannot make the connection that it derives directly from the Judeo-Christian worldview. Good bye, good luck, and good riddance!

And what about Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC), that 800 pound gorilla that single-handedly killed off the body parts bill and Andre Jacques efforts to make illegal the sale and use of fetal body parts as it continues today in the UW system? Silence. Nothing. Apparently attacks on religious freedom and Christianity are of no concern to them, just as they have shown no concern for the protection of human life. Apparently they have no understanding that free enterprise comes from God, not from any system man sets up. Get rid of God, and you get socialism. All types. Tyranny. I am so personally disappointed with the cowardice Kurt Bauer and Scott Manley demonstrated by their inaction in this election! As far as I am concerned, and I think I speak for most of the rest of the Activist Army, stay home and stay silent. You’re not wanted nor needed anymore. You’ve shown us what you’re made of.

The NRA did endorse Brian Hagedorn on March 13th after much prodding by Dennis Barthenheier and one of our state representatives. While disappointing that they hadn’t endorsed Brian earlier, their eventual endorsement provided a huge boost to Brian’s campaign, as did the event that night hosted by Dennis Barthenheier at the Wisconsin Firearms Training Center.

Some last minute help did come in the form of ads from some GOP advocates, and the Hagedorn election drew center stage attention at the Men of Christ conference in downtown Milwaukee March 30th. The 3000 men attending were sent forth to protect life with their vote the following Tuesday and bring others along that will do the same. I am certain most if not all the Men of Christ followed through. I certainly did.

So what’s next? April 2020 brings forth another Wisconsin Supreme Court election. This time, a Walker appointee, Justice Dan Kelly, must be reelected. In 2020, the Wisconsin Presidential Primary occurs in conjunction with Kelly’s race. Since there should be several democrat candidates still vying for the nomination and the President likely unchallenged, election turn out ought to be skewed significantly in the Leftist direction. These facts make Kelly’s re-election to the court that much more difficult. We need to become smarter, faster and way more effective.

Getting Dan Kelly re-elected to the Wisconsin Supreme Court started last week. Activists began to communicate and plan events, such as the conference advertised on the following page. We must meet regularly and continually in our neighborhoods and attend the larger events that perpetuate our commitment to liberty. We must share information and educate each other on all issues. Go to the gun shows, gun ranges and taverns and talk it up. Show that you’re not afraid but are proud of what you believe. Be an example. And wear your MAGA hat with great pride.

The President continues to amaze and show us the way. He takes on all comers, whether media, political opponents, athletes or Hollywood morons. He never lets up. He’s always on offense. And so must we be. President Trump will be in Green Bay next week Saturday, one of many appearances we hope he will make in our state over the next year+. He can lead us to victory by coming here multiple times early next year, asking our army to show our support by voting for him in the primary despite not having an opponent, and vote for Justice Kelly at the same time to preserve our Supreme Court for the future. This solicitation by Trump would have enormous impact.

Another activist suggested a super idea. The Left exploits early voting monstrously. Why can’t we? We must and we will. Over the course of the next year, we are going to work at getting WOW county and outstate municipalities to provide evening early voting hours, at least for a couple days per week. This will allow all of our working people the ability to vote early. The exclusive daytime voting hours provided by municipalities greatly hinders our voters from using this tool. Another army activist suggested pre-election parties on evenings when these polling places are open, then make a pilgrimage to the voting place as part of the party festivities. These are great ideas.

Lastly, never forget who’s in charge. God controls all. Exactly how remains a mystery but we do know prayer works. God wants us to ask. Jesus told us so. Prayer worked for Hagedorn, prayer worked for Trump, and I’m certain prayer worked for Scott too, even though our idea of what the result should’ve been wasn’t God’s. But in the end we’ll understand His wisdom as to why He left our state to endure Tony Evers and company. I’m also certain God plans to use Scott Walker for some very important missions.

Please reach out to myself or the Dennis Barthenheier, creator, owner and operator of the Wisconsin Firearms Training Center to get involved. We can connect you with other activists in your area as well as keep you informed of events and issue updates. We’re all a team, and with God’s help and grace, we can get anything done.