Why protest?

Thanks Illinois neighbors for hosting our 14 political refugees.

These Senators are denying the will of the majority of Wisconsin voters – they need to return to work promptly. They do not have the guts to face the majority of taxpayers who voted for change in Wisconsin. Is this a democratic republic or a banana republic? In banana republics the leaders are forced to escape to another location. Who are these dems trying to fool?

When Obama/Pelosi/Reid rammed their socialist/fascist agenda through Congress in 2008-2009, did you see any Republican legislators escaping to Mexico to avoid voting on the nation's business?

Liberals try to have it both ways. It would have been wrong for Republicans to avoid their responsibilities by escaping to Mexico but it is commendable for Wisconsin democrats to escape to, of all places, Illinois. This is nonsense!

In August 1776, Washington retreated from Long Island toward New Jersey to escape certain defeat.

These Senators are NOT heroes. They are cowards and they are denying the very constitution George Washington was willing to give his life and fortune for when moving his troops in the middle of winter across a frozen rover to safety. Washington's sacrifices were to build and save a nation. These Senators are fighting to ensure that Wisconsin and its many communities continue to march toward bankruptcy.

On Feb. 11 Walker declared class WARFARE on the Working Class and the Middle Class in Wisconsin.

How can you suggest that this is an attack on the working middle class? They have been at work the past two weeks This does not affect all workers in the marketplace. However, this does affect what has become the "protected class".

The Collective Bargaining Agreement has ensured that these benefits remain in place at a horrendous, unsustainable cost to the taxpayer The middle class are the average taxpayers that are paying for the excessive benefits of the Protected Class where the average State Employee earns more than $57,000.

Here are the numbers: Under the CBA, State government employees can retire at up to 90% of their salary or on average $51,300 For many employees that retire at 55-60, this ensures they the employee and their spouse can collect pensions for 25-35 years At an average of $51,300 x 30 years, the taxpayers NOT THE STATE, will be obligated to pay each retiree $1,539,000 Bottom line: The WORKING MIDDLE CLASS cannot afford the PROTECTED CLASS. This MUST change!

Is this fair? NO, the rest of the working stiffs will retire on Social Security. And Washington knows it will have to increase the retirement age and reduce benefits if it is to provide any level of assistance in the future.

Follow-up point: Why is it that the rest of us have to contribute the Protected Class' pension plan and the Protected Class does not have to contribute to the Social Security fund for the Middle Class? MORE Nonsense!

In the 18 Feb. crowd of some 25,000 nonviolent opposition leaders, CNN saw swastikas on 3 signs. Did any sign printer or carrier selfidentify as a NAZI ? Or did all 3 call the WI Governor a nasty name? Did they see any signs like "People VS Dictator" OR "Greedy One Percent"? Among some 68,000 marchers on 19 Feb., how many insulted politicians ?

This appears to be a lame excuse for the numerous horrendous signs that were paraded around the square. Would the liberal media ignore this if these were tea party citizens carrying such signs? NO! This is an inexcusable doublestandard.

Various authors wrote last week about 7.7, 8, 10, 12 & 12.9 % cuts in net pay for our public servants.

Have you noticed that NO public workers have been laid off in this Great RECESSION, but the private sector has been forced to lay off employees culminating in a 7.5% unemployment rate?

When companies have no money, they cannot pay employees – or the business fails. Government that does not abide the same rules will eventually come to the similar fate The private sector has been incurring these kinds of cuts due to the depressed economy. Why would the Protected Class not share in this pain? WHY? Who do they expect to pay for their "RIGHTS"? It is time for change!

How can the same bad law cause different degrees of suffering? By the very design of that evil LAW is how. One author explained deepest percentage cuts hit the lowest paid workers the worst. Perhaps Principals, Professors and Deans loss only 6 to 8%, but janitors, drivers and lunch ladies are slashed twice as deeply. UNFAIR! Walker's tax on workers is worse than regressive sales tax.

Equal opportunity does not guaranty an equal outcome! Neither in this life nor the one to come. Would it be fair for a person who spent the money to become a trained, educated Doctor to get the same outcome as secretary? If, so how can this be justified? Who makes the rules for the Left? More importantly, who pays for them? UNFAIR is the idea that the Working Middle Class guaranties pensions and healthcare for the Protected Class that they cannot afford to provide for their own families!

The financial disaster was caused by Baby George WALKER Bush, Ben Bernanke and Wall Street Banksters driving our global economy off a cliff.

Keep in mind that overpaying government employees contributed to the economic collapse; GM and Chrysler are paying $70 per hour to Union employees when Honda and Toyota pay $45 per hour for the same work and a better product. It is not a surprise that this ended in bankruptcy for both. Was it FAIR for Union employees to contribute to the bankruptcy of these corporations?

Let's temporarily increase state income tax by 1 % on all humans and corporations doing business in WI. Progressive taxation is FAIR! How much of this increased tax will you pay?

Increased taxation is not the way to correct poor cash management by the public sector. Let's see, the government mismanaged the money we already gave them – so to correct this problem, we are going to increase taxes on the Working Middle Class? Why would we expect a different outcome?

Example: Private K-12 students outperform public school students: Private schools do this for about $4,500-6,000 per student annually. In public schools, it costs more than $12,000 per student annually. More money does not guaranty better results.

Add an additional 1% income tax on all high income humans and corporations. Give Illinois credit for this 2% solution.

And corporations add this fee to their products and services – there's a great idea for helping the Working Middle Class.

End result: Employers are fleeing Illinois in order to survive and keep employees on their payroll. The only ones headed for Illinois are irresponsible Senators from Wisconsin.

From: Christopher Carlo Celi ccceli@gmail.com

TO: many

Hello, I am forwarding this because it is a great compilation of some of the best video reports on the "budget repair bill" and the larger political picture into which recent events fit. If you have the time I would recommend watching as many of these as you can. I don't think you will be sorry. I think you will feel empowered by the awareness that you will gain. Though many of you may have known these facts, still many more do not and I think they are too important to not understand.


Our rights to have Unions are under attack by incredibly well-heeled forces. Walker is just the front man. Here are some resources with great information:

The Big Picture of Wisconsin Protests - Why the Republican Tea Party hates public workers and unions. This is an excellent, must see video. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/vp/416 33864#41633864

Response: Patently false! The protestors on the Capital Square have demonstrated more hate in one video clip than the Tea Party did all of 2010

Russ Feingold tells it like it is. The Supreme Court's "Citizen's United" decision enabled big money to put Scott Walker in office. Watch this interview: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/263159 08/vp/41633933#41633933

Response: Wisconsin rejected this extreme liberal in the last election. It was the Working Middle Class that put Walker in office. Russ Feingold does not represent Wisconsin anymore as he was soundly rejected by the taxpaying public.

Terrific exposé by Ed Schultz and John Nichols on the Koch Brothers and the Wisconsin Union busting campaign. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_e mbedded&v=HXdBEXls1GU

Response: This is not a battle of the Government against Unions – it is a battle of Unions against Taxpayer's pocket books. And we have had enough!

Who pays for the bills for Tea Party rally in Madison on Saturday? The über right wing Koch Brothers, big business billionaires with a huge footprint on Wisconsin's neck. http://thinkprogress.org/2011/02/18/businessteaparty- wisconsin/

Response: What's with the German language? This is another form of hate speech where German language equates to Nazis. The Tea Party has not been a by-product of the wealthy – it is the true feelings of the Working Middle Class.

WALKER MANUFACTURED A BUDGET CRISIS. The Republican Tea Party is going for the throat of our Democracy. Here's why. A must see video: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/vp/416 55758#41655758

Response: Really? Please deal with the facts and not follow the deniers in our midst. Check with the bonding companies that review Wisconsin debts. We are in trouble and we are BROKE. Doyle has cleaned the cupboards of all the gimmicks and there are no more highways left to kick the can down.

For those who read The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/18/opinion/18fri 1.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=walker&st=Search

More for those who read Mother Jones: http://motherjones.com/mojo/2011/02/whatshappening- wisconsin-explained

Response: And according to this source, Bush arranged the 911 bombings. Very trustworthy. NOT!

Who are the Koch Brothers? Why do they want to bust our unions, destroy environmental rules and buy politicians? Long fabulous story from the New Yorker magazine: For the serious reader: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/08/30/ 100830fa_fact_mayer

Response: Who cares about the Koch brothers? The Protected Class needs only be concerned with Wisconsin's Working Middle Class on which they demand that we increase taxes to cover their unsustainable lifestyles.

Finally, an amazing piece on how Fox's Glenn Beck is portraying the context for the protests. You won't believe what you see, but Fox viewers do: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/vp/416 74753#41674753

Response: The biggest problem with Glenn Beck is that he is right more times than not when it comes to America's financial crisis. At the least, he cares enough to save our country rather than to march for strictly self-serving interests. Be very clear, the unions campaign for their own selfserving interests and screw the concerns of the public that has to pay for them. At any time have the protestors voiced concerns for the taxpayers who pay for their benefits? NO! If we do not reverse our course toward bankruptcy, we all lose!