Which Future Will The People Choose?

By Steve Welcenbach

Yesterday I experienced the world as it could and may become.

The appointment for my initial consultation/health evaluation at the Brookfield Health and Wellness Clinic got moved up from the original date of June 27th. This clinic describes itself as a functional and integrated health and wellness center utilizing cutting edge diagnostic technology in conjunction with naturopathic methodology to assist each individual participant in optimizing their bodily functions.

The whole process blew me away. For starters, the founder, Susan Rohr, an RN and certified ONDAMED practitioner, personally evaluates each new individual seeking to improve their health. Beside being super nice, easy to talk to, open and extremely knowledgeable, her faith in Jesus Christ her Savior and the Lord God Almighty precedes her as an aura. Susan’s personal story of her near death experience, her road to recovery and how that led her to devote her life to sharing this knowledge pathway with others in the world needs to be recorded and widely disseminated. And all who have chronic, urgent or “unsolvable” health issues ought to get an appointment to see Susan asap.

Besides a detailed discussion of my past health practices, habits and issues, the evaluation involved a very comfortable lounge-type bed where I got gently cuffed to some sort of electronic system feeding into a computer. It read out a continuous squiggle of 5 lines which danced around sometimes smoothly and other times in drastic upward or down motions. Apparently this technology mimics the Madbed technology many medical gurus forecast becoming widely available soon.

Susan explained this phenomenon as best she could for someone completely ignorant of this cutting-edge technology. In short, she could disseminate from those squiggles everything that was happening in my body. Her evaluation rang true. In many instances she cited issues I knew of but didn’t share with her. And several things I had no idea were at play in my body. She literally laid bare the soul of my entire body. While intriguing and quite awesome, the information included much I considered disconcerting. I wasn’t nearly as healthy as I thought I was! But she exuded confidence she could address each issue she discovered no matter how disconcerting it seemed to me.

Susan also deployed some German technology which assisted her in determining which supplements were right for me, including the myriad of supplement bottles I brought that I already used. Needless to say, my multi vitamin didn’t pass and was immediately discarded, but the other 5 bottles passed as OK. In fact, using this guru stick as I called it could tell her how much of each supplement I should be taking. It seemed like magic.

So after all that I got a bagful of new supplement goodies along with a written plan of how and when to take each. Susan’s recommended follow up treatment course she promised to deliver to my inbox the following day (which it did.) And she finished off everything with a sincere hug of the warmest variety. What an awesome lady and an awesome system she’s developed to help us all!

Now back to the rest of the world.

I heard a Mike Adams podcast speculating that China and Russia may be executing a plan to create a three front war to bring down the United State of America for good. He invoked the possibility that Chinese troops could enter and attack across both the southern and northern borders, as Mexico and Canada both cozied up to the CCP and several intelligence sources say already house tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers. Both Russia and China now boast gold-backed currencies which countries around the world find more attractive that the Fed fiat dollar. His conclusion: Russia and China, while fighting our Deep State, plan to destroy and conquer America in the process. Then they will be in control of the world. From today’s vantage point, with the US federal government being a captured operation staffed with treasonous and incompetent jerks, Mike’s scenario does not seem far fetched at all.

Who knows who our criminal syndicate government lies in bed with today. We know Biden, his family and a long, long list of US politicians and political insiders are fully owned by Russia, China, or both. We know the Nazi regime in the Ukraine laundered their money, trafficked to them human beings of all ages into all types of enslavement, and allowed bioweapons development for culling the world population. The corrupt UN and conjugate organizations like the WHO and IPCC are agenda-driven mini syndicates themselves. None of these entities offers anything at all to the well-being of mankind.

Yet here we are, a country captured through a stolen election no one can deny, with the military sitting quietly as the imposters destroy our country and therefore the world. Not one item pursued by these criminals helps the American people one iota. Hey military! You pledged to uphold the constitution. Your fealty lies with the American populace. When will you people entrusted with our safety and provided BY US with the best military weaponry and tools available going to step up and defend our country?

Each moment these criminals linger in governmental power, no matter how fake that may be, moves us ever closer to the point of know return. Yes, we must abolish government schools, the FDA, EPA, CIA, FBI and almost the entirety of the federal bureaucracy as well as downsizing state governments to subsistence levels. Parents need to be responsible for their kid’s entire education not expecting their neighbors to pay for it. And corporate medicine must die by their fabricated pandemic and remdesivir of the Fauci protocol as we see happening now before our very eyes. But OUR military needs to help us out. We own the military.

We the People must rise up and take our country back. This means overturning the fraudulent election and installing the rightful winners including Donald J. Trump. America needs his proven competent leadership more now than ever before. And it also means arresting and jailing all who participated in pulling off that fraud including the covid nonsense, doctors administering the Fauci protocol, the 2000+ mules and all those NGO workers and their bosses like Stacy Abrams.

If we don’t get this thing straightened out very soon, nothing will be left. The impending food and energy starvation manufactured by the NWO criminals will result in mass chaos.

And sadly, the future world conceived by visionaries like Susan Rohr and other people of faith, character and commitment will be aborted by the Satanist cabal before it can be born, another blood sacrifice to Moloch. WE can’t let that happen. We must fight with everything we have. We’re worth it!