What’s up Iraq?

by Keith Best

Another anniversary of the start of the war in Iraq just passed with barely a whimper. The Left called for massive demonstrations but in a local mainstream media picture of the event by Milwaukee city hall, I counted about 25 people. Could it be we are winning because of the “Bush strategery”? Well according to Vice-President Joe Biden, Iraq will go down as a triumphant legacy of the Obama/ Biden Administration. But ol’ Joe won’t mention that they have been following the George W. Bush plan. And we can’t forget how Biden called for Iraq to be split up into three separate countries, while President Obama said “the Surge would not work, in fact it will do just the opposite”. It sounds like our current commander-in-chief was saying the Bush change of direction in Iraq would make things worse, a willing suspension of disbelief if there ever was one. He must have picked up his foreign policy experience at Harvard.

Iraq recently held another national election with the result more purple fingers. ACORN has fallen on some hard times in this country. Could we entrust them to be in charge of purple ink here? Nah! All we need is a photo ID requirement, and that will come along with Scott Walker as governor and a takeover of one of the bodies in state legislature. This simple step will insure fair and honest elections in Wisconsin and America.

And there were more musings about why we invaded Iraq besides the common theme of Weapons of Mass Destruction. It was all about oil or Bush wanted to avenge what Saddam did to his daddy, so he was bound and determined to start a war. But that ignores the 16 United Nations resolutions that Saddam Hussein himself ignored. And if George W. Bush was so determined to invade, what would he have done if Saddam took him up on his offer to go into exile with both of his sons, say to Russia, to avoid the invasion. This offer was extended 48 hours prior to invasion and is conveniently forgotten by those afflicted with Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Life in Iraq is slowly returning to normal. There is an occasional suicide bombing by desperate terrorists, but for the most part things are peaceful. And when trouble flairs up it is Iraqi security forces that are called on to squelch it. For the most part, our forces will be coming home, triumphant. Secure in the knowledge they did what was asked, in spite of liberal Democrats doing all they could to undermine their efforts. Let us not forget that the likes of Senators John Kerry, Chris Dodd, John Edwards and many others voted for the war and then when things got tough, called for us to surrender. Even Hillary Clinton on the floor of the United States Senate, gave her support for the vote to go to war, “with conviction”. When I tell this to people and they don’t believe me, I trot out the videotape I still have of their speeches. I firmly believe the war in Iraq would have been over sooner if al-Qaeda was not seeing with their own eyes because of the age of information making news readily available, the liberal Democrats demonizing the president of the United States, for their own political gain. This is just another reason to vote them out this November, along with the massive spending and growth of the nanny state.