Van Hollen Shirks Call to Duty – Again!!

By Steve Welcenbach

Wisconsin State Attorney General J. B. Van Hollen enhanced his resume as a donothing, empty shirt by refusing to take on the investigation of the John Doe leaks which are flooding the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel through Dan Bice’s columns.

Former Waukesha County District Attorney Paul Bucher wrote Van Hollen a very direct and well-reasoned letter pleading with the Attorney General to get control of the circus occurring in the office of Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm. Bucher’s letter to Van Hollen has been included here for you to examine.

Bucher entreated Van Hollen not only to find the source of the illegal John Doe investigation leaks which have spewed out of the DA’s office since the investigation began, but to assume full control of the John Doe investigation itself. As reported by Media Trackers, 43 members John Chisholm’s office signed the Walker Recall Petition. Worse yet, DA office signers of the Recall Petitions repeatedly stated that these signatures were gathered in the office during work hours – the same crimes the already charged parties in the John Doe investigation have been accused of committing.

This obvious conflict of interest of personnel working in the office compromises any appearance of objectivity, especially ones with direct access to investigation information. And we certainly know someone with access to this statutorily secret information has created a culvert which empties into the office of Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter Dan Bice. Someone needs to be arrested and charged here.

Within a few hours of the release of Bucher’s letter, the Attorney General’s office predictably stated that Van Hollen would not be getting involved in the John Doe investigation or the Milwaukee County DA’s office in any way, citing the lack of authority to do so. Interestingly, Van Hollen and his office seem to be the only people in Wisconsin that believe this lack of authority exists. Bucher certainly thinks Van Hollen has the authority.

John Chisholm has lost control of the DA’s office. Either he is incompetent and politically motivated to allow this circus to happen (he is a Democrat), or the job is too big for him. Regardless of the reason, Van Hollen needs to step up to the job and get some sanity re-established in the office  issued against Walker speaks volumes. There is nothing there and they know it.

The timing of the leaks and everything done thus far has been choreographed so perfectly to correspond to the Walker Recall effort. The partisan political nature of this circus cannot be denied nor covered up. If charges are issued against Walker between now and June 5th, who can seriously argue that these charges are nothing more than Democrat-manufactured fantasies?