To: Vice President Biden

Dear Joe Biden,

I received your letter dated Feb. 26, 2010 on March 14, 2010. I am answering this letter in an open letter through the Reality News. The reason for this is that I doubt you would read it via regular mail. A year ago I sent you a letter. I also sent it to 630 other government employees, and I only received seven response form letters (including yours). None of these letters referred to the issues I wrote about.

This current letter from you starts out with a lie “Dear Fellow Democrat.” I am not a Democrat and never was. I have always voted Independent or Republican. Your first few paragraphs are full of lies. We were not a desperate country until President Obama came on the scene. We started moving that way when Democrats took over congress. Now after a year of President Obama we are on the brink of a collapse. We are further behind in Iraq and Afghanistan due to indecisive pondering and waiting for President Obama to make up his mind while our troops we’re dying.

Health care should be the responsibility of every person, your children and anyone you are responsible for. Yet I find charities cover the unfortunate. I haven’t seen one person dying on the street or being kicked out of emergency rooms.

The so called “Tea Partier Crowd” (your words) don’t appreciate progress. No they don’t, Thank God! Progress that triples the national debt in one year is not progress but crooked government that indeed lies. I have attended at least seven Tea Parties and not once did I hear anyone out yelling each other. I did hear a lot of cheering because the truth was spoken. Even the children present were respectful of their elders and their parents.

Here is another clue to the present time. Bush and Cheney are in the past. Republicans have learned by their past errors and we the people who pay your salary vote them out. We won’t return to that era nor will we accept people in our White House who are in the Communist party and lean toward their way. We are Americans who want to return to our Constitution Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence without any changes.

#1 – Praise God the old Republican values are returning – yes Joe, the Republicans are energized.

#2 – On the backside of your paper begging for money – yes GOP raises funds however, so do Democrats. I resent this waste of money. They should receive equal time and exposure and same amount of funds and cut the outrageous lies we have to listen to everyday.

#3 – No incumbent is safe as one should be if one’s not doing his or her job, get rid of them.

#4 – Tea Party activists raise a million in a single day, see #2. Interesting that the Tea Party Patriots are considered by the current power of government as minor, boisterous, and ignorant. How can that be if they can raise a million in one day? Of course it is perfectly OK if our president (whose salary we the people pay) takes a day out of his job to campaign for someone running for the senate or other office. Is that the President’s job?

#’s 5, 6 & 7 boil down to the fact that the American people are fed up with all your (hypocrisy) flim-flam and we won’t tolerate your taxes, spending and dictatorship anymore.

In God’s Word, the Bible, Proverbs 16:2 (the New Living Translation) says: “People may be pure in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their motives.” I pray God may have mercy on this country and especially the current administration.

Your Democrat 6 Core Goals for 2010 will definitely help the current Obama cause. we the people vote a person into public office to better the country, not to make history that will put the Obama cause on course. Yes, you should clean up your mess first, involving this past year’s economy, loss of jobs, health care, and not promoting use of our natural resources. Sweep away dishonesty in the White House, like communism and promoting and enabling people to rely on our government instead of becoming responsible for themselves.

Last but not the least point: Elect more Democrats. For what? To have President Obama achieve his goals. no. no. no. We want future generations to be able to live with freedom, justice and the pursuit of happiness. That is what our forefathers and our current military are still fighting for. Our creator God has blessed this country. Bring Him back or we will all know His wrath for ignoring His Word, the Bible.


Penny Loppnow

In God I Trust