Time to Educate the Public, Congress on Our Constitution

By Glenn Grothman

State Senator, 20th Senate District

On Thursday, April 15th, while thousands of people marched on the State Capitol lawn to bring our government back to its limited government roots, State Senator Glenn Grothman announced he is introducing a resolution objecting to a potential national security force that President Obama touted during his campaign.

“While prior administrations of both parties expanded federal power in ways which would have horrified the drafters of the Constitution, the current Administration is continuing this pace at a fevered pitch,” said Grothman. “My constituents are demanding the Legislature fight back.”

“While I have signed on to resolutions dealing with the recent healthcare power grab, I have decided to bring the Legislature’s attention to President Obama’s bizarre campaign promise to establish ‘… a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, and just as well funded” as our military,” said Grothman. “The speech was given at the University of Colorado on July 2, 2008, and the context of the speech makes it clear this is not an expansion of AmeriCorps or similar other civilian make-work program. There is no way any American that is the least bit concerned about our nation’s future should not be horrified at what is going on in that man’s mind.”

“Domestic security in America is clearly a local function. I can understand why totalitarian regimes want a large domestic security force to keep the citizenry in line,” said Grothman. “It is appalling when a person running for federal office would have uttered the words above and we have yet to hear any adequate explanation for what he was saying. It is important the State of Wisconsin go on record as saying we will not recognize the authority of any new national police force President Obama plans on sending into our state.”