There are still more statues to tear down

By Gary Wickert
The armed militia of the Democratic Party has been working hard to overthrow the U.S. government and put themselves in power. Their battle plan? Chaos, division, class warfare, making everything about race, and just about anything else they can do to tear down the country in order to rebuild it in an image they find acceptable. Anybody without significant brain damage can see that. Burning, looting, murdering, tearing down statues, committing arson, and assaulting peace officers in the name of change claim to oppose “fascism” (without really understanding the meaning of the word) has devolved into a movement advocating revolution.
The lawyer in me wonders why we aren’t filling our prisons with seditious conspirators. After all, seditious conspiracy is a federal crime in the United States. Title 18 § 2384 of the U.S. Code couldn’t be clearer:  “If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.” You are guilty of this crime even if it is not actually attempted. It need only be planned. Yet, the radical left and its complicit PR department known as the mainstream media continues to placate these criminals by alluding to them as “peaceful protesters.”
Actively conspiring against America has become a lucrative profession. The founder of the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement recently bought a $1.4 million home. Avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders advocates for the poor but has parlayed his piety into three houses and a net worth of more than $1 million—all on a salary of $174,000. Man of the people Barack Obama amassed a net worth over $100 million and purchased a $15 million mansion in Martha’s Vineyard. So much for his spreading the wealth finger wagging at Joe the Plumber. Elizabeth Warren’s reported average net worth is $8.75 million.
These Democrat operatives are quite literally, the least intelligent and most ignorant assembly of people in the history of mankind. They couldn’t’ tell you who George Washington was or when the Civil War was fought. They claim to oppose racism, and then they rip down monuments commemorating abolitionists. Anything and everything about history that can be rewritten so as to paint America as evil and worthy of being torn down from within is fair game. They couldn’t even name one abolitionist as they pretend to be angry about the institution of slavery which existed centuries ago and which America should be credited with abolishing around the world. These brain-washed acolytes of Marxist organizations will fall for any lie.
The tearing down of statues across the country is just one nonsensical act of violence the buffoonish crowds have been drawn to. Some of the many statues of Christopher Columbus were targeted as well, as voices rose against historic and systemic racism and oppression and the displacement and colonization of lands purportedly settled by Indigenous Peoples. But perhaps it is time to start tearing down the statues dedicated to Native Americans. Statues of Powhatan, Massasoit, Pocahontas, and Techumseh are left standing. But why? Memorials to Sakajawea,  Osceola, and Cochise remain undisturbed, and I am at a loss to explain how their destruction could have been overlooked.
You see, hundreds of years before Christopher Columbus and the Trail of Tears, great metropolises and ceremonial complexes in present-day Illinois were comparable in size to 12th Century London. These Mississippians, as they were called, were not the only indigenous American cultures to occupy and take others’ land. The Aztecs, Mayans, Incas, and Mohawks did much the same, all before Christopher Columbus and evil European settlers arrived on our shores. Native Americans were settlers too. They too were responsible for fighting other groups of pre-existing tribes and nomadic cultures when they arrived here from Asia. They too took the land of others.
Millenia ago, a group of wandering people known as the Clovis people entered present-day America across the Bering Land Bridge, which existed between Alaska and Eurasia from the end of the last Ice Age until about 12,000 years ago. As they wandered south into the plains of America, they took land from a wandering band of people who had traveled down the coasts of North and South America 1,000 years earlier. Some argue that this group of nomads took the land from humans or hominins occupied California as early as 130,000 years ago based on supposed stone tool marks cut into fossil mastodon bones found in San Diego.
Latinos, Mexicans, and settlers from Asia took the lands once occupied by Cherokee, Lakota, and Inuits. And those indigenous people took them from people who occupied it before they arrived. Would they not also be guilty of the same sins as European settlers? Those who argue that evil Americans stole land from the Indians fail to look far enough back in history. We know the “stolen country” paradigm all too well. Fueled by racism and a sense of cultural superiority, Columbus and those who followed exterminated and enslaved the poor inhabitants of the Americas and intentionally spread smallpox. They then started importing slaves and built the world’s richest country with slave labor.
Native Americans were not the nature-loving, peace pipe-smoking pacifists that modern anti-America propaganda would like you to believe. They were as violent and war-like as any group in world history. They committed genocide and were guilty of slavery. And they were migratory. The idea that evil Europeans strolled in and stole land which had belonged in perpetuity to a particular tribe is nonsense. The concept of “property” itself is a Graeco-Roman invention which most cultures found foreign until quite recently. Early American settlers inserted themselves into a very fluid and long-standing struggle between migrant bands roaming the Americas. Much land was purchased by Europeans and agreed to by the native tribes. Indians moved west as game disappeared, making the land near settlements appear uninhabited.
Suffice it to say, Native Americans were perhaps not all that indigenous. Perhaps we should tear down all of the statues erected to commemorate and remember Native Americans and beat the drums for all the innocent truly indigenous people from whom they stole land. With the possible example of Pacific Islanders who braved thousands of miles of ocean to find and claim uninhabited islands like Hawaii, the unpopular truth is that it is impossible to find any group of people on the planet who have not been guilty of the taking land from other demographics, colonizing the land, and claiming it as their own. And the people from whom those people took the land were likely not all that innocent either. The only reason the buck seems to stop with frontier America is that those tearing down statues are only using it as an excuse to destroy the country they have been brainwashed about. The good news for them is that there are now a lot more statues they can tear down.