The Real Truth of Liberalism

by James A. Henderson

The vexing dilemma in being a liberal is that one has been brainwashed, conditioned along the way, by an ideology, which is not a logical or reasonable way of looking at life. One cannot solve anybody else’s problems. The emphasis should be on constantly improving oneself. As in do-it-yourself.
Liberals always think that they are do-gooders, falsely believing their ideas will right wrongs or cure injustices. The band-aid liberal code has done very little in improving the lot of millions.
The culprit is not capitalism or the awful rich, society, or our enduring human institutions. As individuals, we are responsible for many bad decisions - period - as in selfishness, greed, stupidity, revenge, etc. Or in not becoming educated, not planning for the future, et al. Most of us recklessly ad lib our way through life, making poor decisions that cause grave discomfort and problems later on.
Liberals have an inflated sense of worth. Many think that by imposing a mandate on people (indoctrination), success will follow. Wrong. Not so, since much of their creed is simple fiction or propaganda.
They believe in doctrine, ideology. That if one tells a lie often enough, it is sure to be believed. (here, I’m getting confused with the national Democrat Party.)
That’s how they operate with the masses, unions, politics, movements, equality, races, the downtrodden, etc. Power is what they really seek and believe in, not philosophy, altruism or human beings.
They are true “victims” of propaganda.

James A. Henderson is an 80-year old native Milwaukeean who spent 25 years in New York City working on the editorial staff of Newsweek and then Forbes magazines. He returned to Milwaukee in 1986.