The Lieutenant Governor

by Keith Best

OK, I give up. Just what does the Lt. Governor do in the State of Wisconsin? As I take a look at the current office holder, Barbara Lawton, I would have to say who the heck knows. The Lt. Governors salary would have to be considered a complete waste of tax payer dollars for the last eight years under the Doyle administration.

Now let’s take a look at what the future holds for this position. I believe a Republican will inhabit the governor’s mansion after the November election. After all the years of Doyle’s mismanagement, he will face a monumental task of cleaning up state government. The Lt. Governor should be called on to help in this massive endeavor. The 2010 Republican primary has 4 excellent candidates with each bringing something to the table. Let’s take a closer look.

Ben Collins has a strong military background and is a successful businessman.

Rebecca Kleefisch has a television news background and is running on a platform that she as Lt. Governor would be V.P. of Marketing for the state.

Dave Ross is the popular mayor of Superior and as a Republican, was re-elected in an area that Barack Obama carried in 2008. But in this humble correspondents opinion, I have saved the best for last.

Brett Davis has used his service in the state assembly for six years to fight for lower taxes, hold the line on government spending, stand up for the Second Amendment, and defend profamily and pro-life values. He has cast 126 votes to cut taxes by a total of $5.4 billion. Brett is best known for his work on education reform and his willingness to take on the education establishment to try and improve our schools. (Think Milwaukee Public Schools and what is needed there, oh boy.)

In addition to his legislative service, Brett is a small businessman who was elected president of his hometown’s Area Chamber of Commerce. He has a lifetime 100% rating from the National Federation of Independent Businesses, is endorsed by Wisconsin Right to Life, and was given an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association in every legislative session. Now here is the kicker. As Lt. Governor, Brett has pledged to help future Governor Scott Walker eliminate wasteful government spending by identifying a proposed amount equal to at least 100 times the Lt. Governors office budget. It’s a lofty but worthy goal, but that’s a far cry from what the Lt. Governor does now, which is…?

Check this out. I know it is hard to believe but the State of New Jersey was suffering from a financial crisis worse than ours. Newly elected Governor Chris Christie (R) is doing great things to keep his state from going bankrupt. According to The Weekly Standard magazine, “His lieutenant governor, has been assigned to examine every state regulation for possible elimination. With a brash recovery says Christie, we can be an example for others.” This is what Scott Walker and Brett Davis, the only candidate with actual legislative experience, working together will do for Wisconsin.