Steve’s Say . . . The Real Ancecdote for our Ailing Republic

Steve 5Back in 1997 a routine cold I caught at the end of September morphed into a case of walking pneumonia despite being given a full course of antibiotics in mid- October. During pumpkin carving on Halloween eve, I thought I was dying. The next day, a Saturday, while my wife was at work, I loaded 3 little children into the car and drove to the medical clinic to get help.

“The good news is you don’t have lung cancer,” the doctor reported. “What you do have is walking pneumonia. Take these antibiotics for five days - they’re the nukes. Zithromax. You’ll feel a lot better in a couple of days, but it will probably take you several months to shake this thing off completely. “

And so it did.

Many of us are aware that the American Republic is ailing. It has been sick for a long time. But the election of Barack Obama and Democrat control of both houses of Congress struck our beloved country with a fever and ague rivaling the worst cases of Lyme’s Disease or malaria. The illness peaked with the “passage” of ObamaCare. We all knew ObamaCare would be the death of the Republic if it were not snuffed out before it did irreparable damage.

The TEA Party, the antibodies of the American Republic, responded to this pathogen onslaught with electoral victories in two of the unlikeliest of places - Republican Scott Brown’s special election win of the Massachusetts long-held Senate seat of Ted Kennedy and the election of Republican Chris Christy as the Governor of New Jersey. This republican immunoresponse culminated in the electoral rout of the November 2010 elections when Republicans won back a solid majority in the House and majorities in many state legislatures. The Republican Governor count stood at 30.

But like the mid-October antibiotic course I took in 1997, while I seemed to get better for a time, by Halloween I became sicker than ever. And so it became with Barack Obama and his destructive policies inflicted upon the American people. Somehow he managed to distance himself from the economic and social destruction sweeping across America (Limbaugh’s Theorem), being exonerated by enough of the American public to win re-election with Democrats retaining control of the Senate. America’s malaise had returned in spades.

So our Federal government staggered on in a foggy stupor, yawing from one Obama fabricated crisis to another, interspersed with legitimate episodes of concern and criminality, such as Benghazi, the Boston Marathon bombing, the Syria “red line” and many others. So many that no one could keep track of them all or keep the media engaged for more than a few days. A feeling of hopelessness engulfed many on the Right.

But some of the patriots elected in 2010 along with a dynamic young freshman Senator from Texas would have none of it. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul provided the first glimpse of the power of these carriers of the republican antibodies when he filibustered Eric Holder and the Obama administration to provide a clear answer to his simple question about domestic drone strikes. After a marathon run on the Senate floor with support from other Republican senators, the Obama administration capitulated providing a straight up answer that Obama did not have the power to authorize domestic drone strikes. Most of the activist Right considered this capitulation to be a major victory, an uncommon occurrence of Republicans being on a political offensive.

But the momentum from this battle victory disappeared into the infinite empty space of the establishment media void, quickly becoming a forgotten detail along the sordid trail of Obama’s statist transformation of America as founded. The Republican Party lacked moxy in leadership and confidence in its ability to message the ideology of conservatism, partly because some in the party, a.k.a the “Party Elite,” either don’t believe it or accept the status quo.

But America will not be transformed so easily. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, winner of a special election which included a Republican Party primary, has steadily risen in stature due to his unrivaled articulation of conservative principles and fearlessness of engaging Democrat Party demons head on. Along with another fireball Senator from Utah, Mike Lee, and a handful of other hardcore conservative senators, these patriots took on the task of doing everything they could possibly do to prevent ObamaCare from being implemented past the point of no return.

The mainstream media tried to marginalize Cruz and his allies, and when this didn’t work, followed the next step in the Alinsky playbook of personalizing then impugning Ted Cruz’s character. Nice try. Being man of impeccable moral character and principle is what gives Ted Cruz the confidence and courage to stand up and fight against the fascist statist collaboration of the mainstream media, Democrat Party and the Republican Party Elite. One of the most outspoken and viscous critics of Cruz and the tactical fight he is leading is of course the one and only Arizona Senator John McCain, that wizard of engagement and leadership who normally functions as the flag bearer in the multiple episodes of Republican Party surrender we have watched over and over again since Obama assumed the presidency.

But despite McCain and other establishment Republicans throwing their tizzy fits, Cruz and Lee kept fighting. And the American people were right behind them. Millions signed their petition to defund ObamaCare and even more burned up the phone lines to their Representatives and Senators, forcing establishment man Boehner and his House caucus to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government minus ObamaCare and send it to the Senate.

Harry Reid promptly attached a reversal provision and wanted to hold the vote. Cruz, articulating this legislative sleight of hand to the American public, filibustered for a record 30+ hours to stall the cloture vote. He demonstrated to all the power one man committed to an idea could wield. The statist cabal hated it. The American public loved it. So much support has Cruz, Lee and their coalition gotten from the public at large that we find ourselves today mired in what mainstream media sources call “government shutdown.” Many of us call this a dream come true.

Since the “shutdown” began, a better demonstration of what the term “nonessential” government workers could not be made. Let’s face it. We don’t miss the 85% of EPA employees at home. In fact, let’s get rid of them permanently, along with all those at the USDA, DOE, HUD, Departments of Education, Bureau of Land Management, etc, etc, etc. While we’re at it, let’s get rid of some of the “essential” personnel like those at the IRS and TSA.

And Obama’s malevolent, unrelenting and unending commitment to inflict pain on the American public and destroy America as founded could not be displayed more ubiquitously nor with more malice. Hiring contractors and spending additional tax money to enforce closures of any monument, park, or other public facility with any funding ties to the federal government, no matter how small, is truly despicable beyond belief. Our Governor Walker, making Wisconsin proud again, told the feds to get lost. Along with the DNR led by Cathy Stepp, our parks, forests and boat launches will remain open as long as Scott Walker is around. Major kudos to our Governor!

Could a better example of why you should NEVER take the federal money for anything ever be presented?

Ted Cruz has become the party leader TEA Party activists have sought and rank & file Republicans, about 65-70% of the party, have embraced. Both of these large factions within the Republican Party are not interested in compromising with Democrats and statists, but defeating them. This requires a fight. And Ted Cruz has proven himself to be the fearless leader the Party has needed for a long time.

So this Washington stalemate is really not between Democrats and Republicans, but within the Republican Party itself. The GOP elite really don’t know what to do. They know they have no chance of winning anything without the TEA Party and rank & file. Yet because of their progressive nature they just can’t reconcile with power sharing or the loss thereof. This quandary exists only in one’s head, for the sole solution is apparent to all.

Ted Cruz has assembled the antibiotic army of American Patriots to fight off the infection of global statism. He is truly the Zithromax for our ailing American Republic.