Steve’s Say . . . Fascism Alive and Well in the USA

The countrywide spontaneous and grassroots Chick-Fil-A rally proved the activist army stretches far from Wisconsin and all across America.

The response of Americans of all types to the blatant fascist behavior of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino showed all Leftists that:

a) Americans know Fascism when they see it

b) Americans know that it is wrong

c) Americans hate it

d) Americans will fight it

Anytime the Left doesn’t like what conservatives are doing (which is almost always), they yell “Fascist!” But few people can even give you a definition of

Fascism, certainly not a Leftist. I defined the term in my book “The Best of Reality News 2010” as follows:

Fascism - System based upon the utilization of varying degrees of coercive power to achieve political and social ends.

Fascism formerly began in Italy in the 1920’s by Benito Mussolini. He was a man of the Left, a Socialist like Hitler and Stalin. But the idea was nothing new. Simply, Fascism is the use of government power to make individuals do what the government wants done, the same thing that all kings, emperors, dictators and mobs have done throughout history. Fascism lives by crony capitalism. Fascism picks winners and losers in the economy, primarily by political affiliation. Fascism tries to give the appearance of private property ownership, but will take whatever it needs or wants for whatever reason at any time. Opposition to policies or power grabs are quelled by whatever means required, usually beginning with underhanded buyouts or sleazy deals, rising to demonization rhetoric and character assassination, followed by riots and civil unrest, arrests, imprisonment, violence and ultimately murder.

We have seen the mob in Wisconsin display fascist behavior the entire duration of Scott Walker’s Governorship. The deplorable behavior by the mob tolerated and in some instances facilitated by Capitol and Madison police and Dane County Law enforcement demonstrated that some select people were exempt from following the law. And who were these select preferred people? That’s right. Leftist thugs and Unionistas. The blatant use of selective prosecution by the Dane County DA in dismissing massive amounts of tickets issued to mobsters and the refusal to arrest and charge appropriately the Cross Plains teacher that issued that vile death threat to Scott Walker says it all.

The Left certainly tried this fascist strategy in Wisconsin multiple times since Walker’s election. They tried bullying family and small businesses in Union Grove and Sheboygan and boycotting alleged Walker campaign supporters at Kwik Trip and other corporations. We responded to these challenges and supported the Kwik Trips and others with our purchases and vocal support. These antics backfired big time.

All the Left managed to get done was unseating Senator Van Wanggaard for a meaningless interval while leaving a trail of their criminal tactics in their wake for us to follow and investigate. Justice Prosser, Alberta Darling and the Walker Recall showed that when unified in our ground game and support, we can destroy them electorally in spite of their criminal antics. And we Wisconsinites will do so with Obama if we get the chance.

Every Sunday the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel had a new hit piece on Scott Walker including the fantasy of an upcoming indictment by Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm. Dan Bice, that wizard of journalistic integrity, perpetuated this dream with some sort of internal connection to the criminal source of the John Doe investigation leaks.

We refused to sit by and watch this fiasco go unchecked and many of us wrote letters and columns articulating the injustice of it all. The Media Trackers story about the recall petition signers embedded in the Milwaukee County DA office and the intimate relationship some of the individuals had in the John Doe investigation exposed and quantified the widespread corruption and incompetence in the three ring circus of Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm. Will anything come of this known felonious corruption of this John Doe investigation? Fascist forces want it swept under the rug. We must not let it die.

But the Journal Sentinel endorsed Walker in the Recall you say. Right. Right after it became obvious that he was going to trounce Barrett AGAIN. So the Journal Sentinel attempted to cover it’s tracks of bias to feign objectivity. Sorry. Not buying it.

Barack Obama and his minions are using all the government and media power at their disposal to quell intellectual opposition and to cow individuals and businesses into submission. IRS audits of Republican campaign donors or conservative talk show hosts are favorite fascist tools as are Lisa Jackson’s EPA roadblocks of all types to drilling, fracking, mining and other resource development activities. The Bureau of Land Management closes off more and more lands to resource development everyday, both private and public. Agenda 21 anyone?

Obama himself asked his staff to find out ways to move his agenda forward without Congress. His attack dog David Axelrod has no restrictions on inflammatory rhetoric and personally destructive attacks, almost all without any factual basis whatsoever. US Attorney General Eric Holder not only uses bogus rhetoric but the power of his office to selectively prosecute criminal behavior and enforce laws of the country. His lack of cooperation in the Fast & Furious investigation defines the term stonewalling.

Selective prosecution, media demonization, crony capitalism - all hallmarks of Fascism and all integral parts of the behavior and plan being implemented by the Obama administration and his 2012 campaign. Obama needs to win one more election. He won’t win this election by clearing the field as he did to win his Illinois Senate seat. He can’t win this election by claiming to be someone he’s not, for he has a real record now. And he certainly can’t win this election by arguing ideology, for 70% of Americans want nothing to do with his vision of what America ought to be. “You didn’t build that.” Yes we did!

In fact, Barack Obama has no chance of winning electorally, at least under any conditions that can be remotely considered fair. The voter fraud and illegal voters required to pull this off would need to be so massive and so precisely targeted that, as resourcefully vile as the fascist Left may be, I can’t see how it is mathematically nor logistically possible for even them to pull off. However, they do have an infinite amount of money at their disposal to try to do it.

No, Barack Obama was never interested in being president of the United States. He had to become president to destroy America to the point where it would submit to the demands of the socialistic world government promulgated by the United Nations. Barack Obama aims to be the first emperor of this UN instituted world government. This has always been his goal. Get through one more election and he will be set.

Despite the ongoing media narrative to the contrary, anyone utilizing common sense and widespread personal experience can see Obama is doomed electorally in November. The real question is whether we get the chance to oust him. Past history shows desperate fascists do desperate things. Will Obama be different? My gut tells me we must be ready for anything.