Steve’s Say . . . What Should We Do About the Lawless Obama?

Barack Obama’s well-known disdain for the Constitution and the Founding Fathers, articulated perfectly by his own words in several media interviews, has been followed by his complete disregard for his oath of office since January 20, 2009. Last week we all got a new reminder of his treason with his “recess” appointments of three National Labor Relations Board members and the appointment of the head of a newly created Consumer Advocacy agency.

As we have been reminded by past thinkers and personal experience, all contracts are ultimately upheld by the personal integrity of the parties involved. Likewise, all rights are only retained by how committed an individual is to defending them.

These events of the last week reminded me of an incredibly insightful conversation I had with a client in October. I referenced that conversation in my e-mail response to the following intellectual challenge from a man of incredible insight and integrity I know from a religious-based business group.

He asked:

Does progressive thinking, social welfare expansion, and social justice promise good career paths for people whose skills are bureaucratic politics, conforming, sucking up, and punishing nonconformists, and are there enough of those people — especially in influential professions like journalism and academia — to ensure a continuing constituency?

I answered:

This constituency can only thrive when a thriving free enterprise system already exists. Progressive ideas are entirely parasitic in function and continually work to destroy the very entity that provides them their life blood. This is why progressives must and will lose politically lest they disappear entirely. And this is exactly where we are right now.

China cannot exist economically without some free enterprise system to emulate and make resource allocation decisions for it.

A client of mine stated that many progressives are more than happy to abandon the Obama train because they are perfectly happy to let the free enterprise people back into power to reestablish fiscal reality so that they can enjoy the spoils of the greatest theft in human history. That is, the massive spending done by the Federal Government in the past 3 years which is nothing other than the theft of personal wealth of working American citizens and their children and grandchildren, many who have never been born yet, to politically connected individuals. These politicians are nothing more than thieves of the highest order and need to be arrested, jailed, and forced to pay restitution. Barack Obama should be immediately arrested for high crimes and treason of America. He certainly has not upheld his duty to uphold the US Constitution. He has actively worked for the destruction of America.

After evaluating this gentlemen's argument, I can't find any folly with it at all. Obama does not just represent a difference of political opinion - he is actively pursuing the destruction of the American system as set forth in the Constitution. Their is no treason higher than this. And it has led to the end of many lives already and will lead to many more, I'm afraid, before he is extricated.

I feel no need to expand on these comments.

The only question remains: who will be our defenders of our Liberties? Congress?