Steve’s Say . . .

Politcal Courage Requires Recognition,
Support and Cultivation

The article appearing in the Aug. 16 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel featuring Ron Johnson and some of the positions he espouses and conclusions he’s reached caught my interest on two levels:

1) The article exemplified how the Feingold supporters at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel plan to dismantle this formidable foe

2) Here is a man that can think for himself, is committed to truth and has Political Courage

Ah Political Courage. That elusive quality so sought after yet in such short supply that today a straight party line vote in either House of Congress qualifies for this designation and emotes pundit praise. That quality found so rarely in true form that it makes the alchemist’s pursuit of the elixir of life or transmutation to gold look like child play in comparison. A quality we need more than ever today. And right now.

Catastrophic man-made global warming due to carbon dioxide emissions cannot be defended scientifically. All arguments that have been put forth in this arena have been reviewed and dissected in the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change report thoroughly and completely including ocean acidification and other peripheral claims being made to get the populace to surrender personal liberty voluntarily. The public knows that this theory is nonsense and will be used to subjugate the masses. Public support for Cap and Trade legislation has never been lower. Blatantly false scientific temperature data amassed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and utilized in its global temperature calculations was recently uncovered, showing the temperature at Egg Harbor, Wisconsin as 600 degrees Fahrenheit. Such a recognizably false data point being uncovered by individuals outside of the administration demonstrates complete and total incompetence or a grand scheme being implemented at all levels to defraud the public. Neither is good nor acceptable in any way.

The parade of data fraud, incompetence, cabal rule and publication lockout continues unabated. Climategate is far-off forgotten history to some and never occurred in the mind of most alarmists. CNN, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and other media outlets propagating liberal, progressive and leftist agendas continue to bombard their continually shrinking audiences with misinformation and irrelevant facts. A melting glacier, record high or low temperatures and abnormal rainfall are facts which add absolutely nothing to the scientific basis of either end of this debate.

Because of this media blitzkrieg, political candidates and office holders articulating the scientific truth or their opposition to the political “solutions” become prime targets of these people perpetuating this agenda. These people are well funded, well connected and ruthless. More money and power are at stake here than you or I could ever imagine. They will not give up. Nor will they stay confined to this form of fraud. They will continue to morph this issue into something else as they have already done several times.

We must as freedom-loving individuals do all we can to identify and loudly support such political courage as Ron Johnson demonstrates. He will come under fire from state and national sources to be portrayed as some kind of right-wing kook who does not have the educational background and hence the intellect to understand such a complex issue. The fact that Russ Feingold’s educational and experience portfolio contains much, much less than Johnson’s makes no difference. Never let facts get in the way. Just look at the way Senator James Inhofe, the sole person in all of Congress who has shown true Political Courage in calling this thing exactly what it is - a scam - has been demonized by these folks. Bill Maher awarded him “the most evil man on Earth.” His re-election campaign of 2008 was designated the number one target for the left. He won re-election with well over 70% of the vote. He got support. But strangely, no one else in the Senate or House has articulated this principled and factually correct stance in any way close to that of Senator Inhofe. Even our own Jim Sensenbrenner, as good as he has been on the economic aspects of this trainwreck they are pushing, still has a long way to go in articulating the fact that the science does not support the theory. He did do a great job, however, on the Climategate hearings, and really did show excellent Political Courage in describing the publication lockout of the ruling cabal as scientific fascism.

Paul Ryan’s roadmap for a return to fiscal discipline in government provides another example of stellar Political Courage. Shooting down liberal and leftist political ideas is like shooting fish in a barrel (something I’ve always wanted to do). Just let them work and they destroy themselves. But to articulate a comprehensive plan to actually deal with the situation, that takes Political Courage. Despite what you or I may think of any of his past votes, he has been a leader against all of the agenda of the left and has put himself on the line with this plan. Whether the plan or the man is perfect does not disqualify our support. His plan truly and sincerely attempts to quantify the fiscal problems at hand comprehensively and provide politically feasible solutions that will work in the long run. Paul Ryan deserves our loud, unabated support for this effort.

Our willingness to identify problems in the political process and articulate opposition to policies detrimental to personal liberty will be what keeps our Republic alive. Supporting political figures with the Political Courage to provide the voice to those concerns will be what allows our side to fend off this onslaught against our personal liberties and reverse some of the colossal damage already done by this administration and over the past 100 years. Let us all be vocal in our support of Ron Johnson, Paul Ryan, James Inhofe and others that have accepted the target of Political Courage and the mantle of Leftist demonization.