Steve’s Say . . . Some Mass Murders Continue to Thrive from Beyond the Grave – A Deep State Tribute

When the mass murderer’s club becomes the topic of party or political conversation, the usual names get thrown out: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. And certainly these guys were no slouches. 30, 40, 70, 20 million murders attributed to each respectively, though no one really knows the true width and depth of the evil they facilitated.

But these guys are kid stuff. Their murdering ended when they died. Oh, you can make the case that communism still kills, and it is, in Venezuela, Cuba and elsewhere, but you can’t really attach those horrors to Stalin or Mao.

Mao’s legacy communist regime wants all to know those murders are done in their name and their name only! They executed the protesters in Tiananmen Square and don’t you forget it.

But I will propose a new set of mass murderers that continue to work their evil even from the depths of hell where they reside.

1.Muhammed - Since 630 AD Muslims embracing the doctrine of jihad have been executing infidels and non-believers wherever they have sought conquest, and it still continues to this day. Murder count: Several hundred million at least, possibly a billion.

2.William Ruckelshaus - First ever EPA administrator under Richard Nixon, Ruckelshaus ignored the mountains of technical data and information accumulated on DDT back in 1972 and banned the material for use in human settings, regardless of its very low human toxicity and no data supporting carcinogenic behavior. Since then tens of millions of people all across the globe needlessly die every year from malaria and the host of other diseases transmitted by mosquitos and other insects. These several hundred million deaths since the 1972 ban occurred mostly in Africa, Asia and South America. The genocide continues unabated to this day, except in places like India, South Africa and other countries that re-instituted the use of DDT and put the lives of their citizens in higher regard than participating in some eco-insane virtue signaling. Please see the well constructed and sourced article below which appeared in the journal of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons. The article disseminates the truth about DDT and its tremendous ability to save human lives. My sources tell me Ruckelshaus still lives. Boy, what a legacy to live with! Unfortunately his killing legacy will far transcend his death. 3.Justice Harry Andrew Blackmun - Famous for authoring the Roe v. Wade decision, his killing legacy includes over 60 million babies in the US alone since his 1973 essay and almost 1.5 billion worldwide. Granted, Blackmun had plenty of help on the court and throughout the world, but without his writing and enthusiastic embrace of baby genocide there may be several million more human beings contributing their intellects to our world today. Of course, that would greatly upset Erlich et al.

A key component linking all of the above transcendent murderers: Political support. You cannot conduct mass murder without a strong political support base. In Islam, the government and religion are one. The same can be said for environmentalism. And abortion remains the high sacrament of the church of liberalism. God and our Savior Jesus Christ are nowhere to be found.

Which brings us to the final point: The Danger of the Deep State.

None of these genocides and mass murders, from Hitler to Ruckelshaus, could ever occur without the aid of a Deep State. That is, a bureaucracy willing to do whatever it takes to increase its power and hold over society. For this reason The Trump DOJ and Republicans must go after and jail these criminals littering the FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Department, Homeland Security, and elsewhere in the security apparatus of the Federal government. But don’t fool yourself. It doesn’t stop there. Equally dangerous and in some ways a more sinister and deadly threat lies in the embedded Deep State bureaucrats in the EPA, BLM, IRS, HHS, DOEnergy, and the Department of Education. They destroy without declaration or interruption. They muster infinite resources and never let up. They fabricate justifications and utilize their media cohorts to obliterate personal reputations and harass family members. These guys are all bad news.

Finally, we must include the trough-feeding “scientists” and “medical professionals” willing to lie and fabricate data to justify government intervention in choosing light bulbs or denying the use of certain sources of energy. Ultimately, its these lies about our everyday actions which will lead us into the chains of servitude so desperately sought by the keepers of the Deep State.

So always keep in mind when you think about Fake Russian Collusion, Hillary’s e-mail server, the Benghazi video lie, Uranium One, or Fast and Furious, that the EPA, BLM, IRS, Michael Mann and all the others are faces of the Deep State too. All these heads must be severed if we are to slay this monster.