Short Takes

by Ken Van Doren

• Wisconsin Patriot Groups coalition scheduled a debate for Republican gubernatorial and US Senate candidates, which in each case, at least one candidate opted out of. The names have been withheld to protect the guilty. Question- WHY would a candidate NOT appear in a debate, NOT use that as an opportunity to increase name recognition and following if they really thought they were the best candidate? From this perspective, the debates will hone the issues and debating skills of the candidates, and to duck these opportunities does not bode well for candidates in the fall, when they must run against the Democrat candidate, presumably Misters Barrett and Feingold.

• 19 year old Romaine Quinn, Ron Paul fan, proponent of limited constitutional government, is elected mayor of Rice Lake.

“No man’s life, liberty or property is safe so long as the legislature is in session.” –Judge Gideon J Tucker.

So now that the Wisconsin state legislature has adjourned, we are safe at the state level for a while. Now to get Congress to quit for the year. They have done more than enough damage for one year.

THE GOOD NEWS: Bills that would have killed the Wisconsin economy in the name of a fraud called Global Warming, a Voter Fraud legalization bill, and a bill to further passenger railroads that would have burdened taxpayers with subsidies for empty trains, all went unpassed. Now to prepare for the battle on these bills for the next session, as they are issues that are unlikely to go away.

• How about a limit on the number of days congress or legislature can meet? Give them a bonus if they finish early, and charge them twice the bonus if they stay in session longer than the allotted number of days.

• Question: What was the Federal deficit for the first WEEK of April?

Answer: $108 BILLION!!!