Sharing Is Caring…

by Theresa Gamble

Sharing is Caring. One of the most used lines when people, especially friends, want you to give them something. They use it to say that if you don’t give them something like a piece of chocolate that you don’t care about them. The political arena seems to sing the same tune that I hear in a high school cafeteria. Our government says if you don’t agree with this bill, then you don’t care. Depending on what bill it is and who you are, not supporting it makes you a racist. I believe it skipped their minds that people might actually want to keep their hard-earned money. Robin Hood: The Legend Begins recently opened, and many people know the refrain of the merry archer. Take from the rich and give to the poor. Socialist? Medieval charity organizer? The legend of Robin Hood is one whose interpretation all depends on who tells the story. This version, simply put, shows the logic behind Prince John’s actions, but also what motivates Robin to steal.

John, in order to gain money lost in the Crusades, raises taxes. Make sense? Well, during the Crusades, Richard had raised taxes and led by example to keep morale high and to keep the army fed and covered. Okay, higher tax increases to get rid of the debt; logical thinking. The church had also been taking money from the citizens, and that money was supposed to be spent on church upkeep, the livelihood of the religious leaders, and other charitable works. However, the money was kept by the church and spent on expensive religious items. Logical thinking; a nicer church encourages people to come in and find God. Now, let’s review what they were paying for; church tithes, high taxes for the Crusades, higher taxes for getting rid of the debt. Add in the bandits who stole without much consequence and you have a very poor England. This quote sums up all that taxation: “If you keep milking a dry udder, the only thing you’ll get is kicked off the milking stool.” The rich, being the King and the Church, want to stay rich and stay in positions of power. Robin Hood, especially in this instance, is nothing more than a concerned citizen who wants to keep England prosperous, and fair.

So let’s take this somewhere; President Obama, would like us to pay for Socialized Healthcare (something European countries are trying to get rid of because it is too expensive), Cap and Trade, stimulus plans and TARP bailouts. Because the tax money is going to corporations, individual citizens won’t see any of it. Isn’t it wonderful to care so much about others? People’s hard-earned income is going to disappear due to taxes - due to the maze of the IRS tax code; your money is basically going walking in the Amazon Jungle without a map. Sound wonderful? Thought you’d say no. What to do then? If the taxes increase, we may become similar to Robin Hood’s England. Overtaxed with little to no money to live on. Scary thought isn’t it?