The Week That Was February 5, 2011


Quote of the Week

"Climate change deniers cloak themselves in scientific language, selectively critiquing aspects of mainstream climate science." "... (N)o research results have produced any evidence that challenges the overall scientific understanding of what is happening to our planet's climate and why." ... "The assertions of climate deniers therefore should not be given scientific weight equal to the comprehensive, peerreviewed research presented by the vast majority of climate scientists." – From a January 28, 2011 letter from 18 climate alarmists to members of Congress as reported in The Hill.

Number of the Week: 42%

This Week

By Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

The above quote is from a January 28, 2011, letter signed by 18 scientists to members of Congress. Lest TWTW be accused of "cherry picking" its quotes, the article presenting the letter and the entire letter is referenced and reproduced as Article #1. This letter illustrates an important question: What constitutes a "climate change denier"?

To appropriately address what is a "climate change denier," one must first address the position taken by those accusing others of being "climate change deniers." Second, one must address the position of the accused "deniers." Third, one must examine the physical, scientific evidence. From this, finally, one may conclude what constitutes a "climate change denier."

Based upon the assertions in the letter, the writings, and presentations to public audiences by many who signed the letter, one may reasonably conclude that the position of the signees (accusers) is that human emissions of carbon dioxide are causing unprecedented and dangerous global warming. The authors of the letter invoke many of the familiar assertions of future disasters projected by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and its followers. As stated in the NIPCC reports, many of these assertions, such as, water vapor amplifying atmospheric warming over the tropics, have been demonstrated as contrary to the physical, scientific evidence.

Most "climate change deniers" believe that human emissions of carbon dioxide may cause slight global warming, but not a warming that is unprecedented or dangerous to humanity. Further, many of these "deniers" assert that climate change is naturally occurring. Warming and cooling of this planet will continue to occur regardless of governmental policy concerning human emissions of carbon dioxide. This is not to say that human activity, such as, land use change, does not change local and regional climate. Many "climate change deniers" assert it does. The major difference in the opinions between the "deniers" and the "alarmists" is that "deniers" assert carbon dioxide emissions will not cause significant world-wide warming.

For the physical evidence supporting the views of the alarmists and the "climate change deniers," one needs to look no further than the record from the Greenland GISP2 ice cores as reported by Don Easterbrook and referenced in the January 29, 2011, TWTW.

"Temperature changes recorded in the GISP2 ice core from the Greenland Ice Sheet show that the global warming experienced during the past century pales into insignificance when compared to the magnitude of profound climate reversals over the past 25,000 years."

About 25,000 years ago, the measured temperatures were about -55 deg. C, today they are about -32 deg. C. As stated by Easterbrook, these data were reported in 1997, 10 years before the latest IPCC report. Further, for over 80 percent of the past 10,500 years, the calculated temperatures have been warmer than today. These temperature changes, unrelated to carbon dioxide concentrations, were also shown in the 2008 NIPCC report. Based upon this research and other supporting research, Greenland ice cores are a good approximation of temperature changes in the mid-to-upper latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.

Such data showing frequent, naturally caused climate change unrelated to carbon dioxide are extensive. Yet the accusers claim "... no research results have produced any evidence that challenges the overall scientific understanding of what is happening to our planet's climate and why."

Such statements are contrary to the physical evidence and prompt the question: who are the true climate change deniers: (a) those who recognize that the physical evidence demonstrates climate change is natural, normal, and cyclical; or (b) those who ignore the physical evidence of natural climate change that contradicts their beliefs?

Needless to say, a letter challenging the assertions of the 18 deniers of natural climate change is being prepared.


The failure by advocates of humancaused climate change to correctly understand the position of those who challenge their views apparently led to the failure of a meeting in Lisbon to reach a middle ground. This meeting was organized by Oxford science philosopher Jerry Ravetz. Titles of articles reporting the effort are clear: "Climate skeptics and scientists attempt peace deal."

Apparently, those who assert climate change is normal and natural are not considered scientists. Please see articles under "Seeking a Common Ground."


The intense cold through the midwest caused rolling blackouts in Texas. According to reports, at least three coalfired power plants were off-line for scheduled maintenance – to prepare for a hot summer – in retrospect, a poor decision. Many other plants were "tripped-off."

It is not clear how much of the problem was caused by wind-power failing to perform as needed due to the intense cold, still air. Apparently, a number of natural-gas-fired plants (perhaps in back-up) did not have the electrical power to receive the needed natural gas. Shortages of coal were also reported (which is strange).

A realistic report from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) would be beneficial for all considering wind power. Please see articles under "Extreme Weather."


Roy Spencer reports that the global average temperatures for January, as calculated from satellites by the UAH, are rapidly dropping. The current temperatures are about the same as the calculated norm since 1979. We have received no dire reports from NOAA or NASA/GISS of another "hottest year," or another ice age in the making. Please see


NUMBER OF THE WEEK: 42 percent. According to the latest data just released by the US Energy Information Administration, in 2009 carbon dioxide emissions from China exceed emissions from the US by 42%. Please alert your representative in Congress! We are losing the carbon emissions race to China! See referenced article under "Energy Issues."


TWTW Corrections and Amplifications: Last week, we quoted Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Academy, in a statement to their Lordships of the Admiralty on November 20, 1817, in which he commented on the disappearance of the circumpolar ice (ice around the North Pole.). As astute readers pointed out, we failed to state the influence of the intense volcanic event of Tambora in Indonesia in 1815 that no doubt greatly influenced global weather. The volcanic event was not realized in the contemporary science writings.