“Promote the General Welfare”

“But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth,” Deuteronomy 8:18a

By Riley J. Hood—Milwaukee County Constitution Party

“We in America are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land,” according to President Herbert C. Hoover in 1928. Even the Democrat Party’s humorist Will Rogers said, “You can’t lick this prosperity thing.” Then the bubble burst. Hoover was defeated by FDR, when FDR addressed the reality that people faced, (with the wrong answers of course,) while Hoover trotted out facts and figures that no one cared about.

I have restrained my criticism until now, because I didn’t want to help Democrats. More importantly, I don’t want the Constitution Party of Wisconsin to be swamped with liberal scum. Governor Walker lost because he campaigned on numbers and figures. His administration picked winners, and when you do that, “we don’t all win.” Low unemployment insurance claims can also mean more people are on the dole. None of these facts and figures put food on the table or heats your house.

Then there is corporate welfare, $28.00 per hour at Fox Con. Even if it were true, our taxes will be funding a dream job for someone else, like they do for government workers. Come on honey, we have lost our home, but we can sleep in our car, knowing that the glow of Aunt Emma’s roommate making easy money at Fox Con will keep us warm. Here is the reality at the Hood household; the Depression still on.

Last week I received a $359 water bill, which over $200.00 are direct municipal fees: and a $220 auto insurance bill, which the State of Wisconsin, under GOP auspices; forces me to purchase. On the same day. I have to pay $5,700 a year to stay in my home, which mortgage I paid off in 1998. I make the same wage I made in 2006, but I worked 70 hour weeks back then, I work 40 hours now, on the night shift. I take home less than half, because any worker knows that “you get ahead on time and half.” I will earn the same amount of money this year that I did in 1996. Our rental property has spotty income, as the only tenants left are drug addicts, whose bad credit disqualifies them from the easy loans that caused the depression in the first place.

Our family wasn’t on the winners list, we can’t have children, and we were humiliated when we tried to adopt, even though two sodomites seem to have no problems. So your tax credit means that my wife and I pay for other people’s kids, on top of what we shell out in Property Taxes. We don’t want a handout, we want our money to be left in our pockets, but the GOP forgets that every time they hold power. Prosperity, didn’t reach everybody, and it missed at least 49% of the electorate. And then there is the “P-Word,” prosperity. Every time that word gets thrown around, the socialist thinks we have more money for them. They hear the “P-Word” and think it’s the “T-Word” and raise our taxes.

Governor Walker, I realize that you were trying to undo the mess created from the last time Wisconsin voted Democrat. Things are better than they were in 2009, but we haven’t recovered from that yet. In the last two years, especially, you were governing like a liberal, especially in regards the Common Core Curriculum, and the funding of government schools. Your placing the Pre-Born’s Right to Life on the bottom of your priorities condemns you.

The Constitution Party of Wisconsin works to put righteous men into positions of civil authority. We will re-secure the Right to Life, first. We put the Moral Order front and center. We will promote prosperity by cutting taxes, and removing the boot of un-constitutional government from the necks of all of the citizens, not just some of them. The Preamble of the US Constitution states "Provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare." Two clear distinctions should be made: 1. Provide implies actively and financially supporting, promote implies a hands off approach. For example, I’ll promote that we put on a party, but I want you to provide it! 2. General Welfare is not the same as individual Welfare. General Welfare would benefit the people generally; individual Welfare targets a certain segment of society to benefit. Providing Individual Welfare is not authorized in the Constitution. It shouldn’t have a place in Wisconsin’s government either.

America's welfare crisis is a government-induced crisis, which has undermined the work ethic, even as it undermined the ability of our citizens to obtain work. Taxpayers should never be obligated, under penalty of law through forced taxation, to assume the cost of providing for other citizens. The message of Christian charity is fundamentally at odds with the concept of welfare maintenance as a right. In many cases, government welfare provisions are not only misdirected, but morally destructive.