Patriot News

Become Who You Really Are

Our founding principles were born in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to keep America a Republic with freedom of religion, speech, self reliance, caring about our fellow man and his inalienable rights. Not government control, but “We the People” together with our Creator God.

Today we have power crazed elitists saying today’s culture gives each generation the right to progressiveness by deciding for itself what the meaning of equality and our freedom of liberty will be. Big government can’t be supported financially with less “We the People” and more government. The economics can’t possibly support this way of life. We have to return to accountability for people to not expect and demand the government to take care of us.

Our education system has become a brainwashing process throughout elementary, high school and college. Check out the strong hold teachers are subjected to by unions in order to make a living. They have become puppets. Our schools are inundated with radical socialism and communism in the upper echelon of education, eradicating American history and God. Censorship has become self inflicted by our education system. We no longer rely on our God given conscience. We are conditioned to believe in Big Government taking care of your needs. Our self reliance is stifled, losing our God given abilities. We are now a Nation of laws that have put all freedom of creativity, dreams, passions, and desires in chains. Russian leader, Nikta Kruschev said, “We will bury you without a shot being fired.” They have succeeded. Our education system consists of many communist professors. They have managed to eliminate God from the colleges of higher learning; Harvard, Yale, etc. These universities were founded by religious leaders. WAKE UP, “WE THE PEOPLE.”

Our Federal cost for education is 600 Billion a year. Close all public schools. Teachers unite. Go back to what teachers are suppose to do. Teach, awake the desires, passions and creativity of learning. Become involved with receiving a sound education system in the private sector. Opportunity awaits. Our future generation needs this Freedom. Awake, “WE THE PEOPLE.” In God we trust, not Government!