Emerald: The Color of Freedom?

by Joshua Tolley

While reading the news story about French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s desire to have the people of Ireland re-vote on the Lisbon Treaty, I started to smile.

When Ireland voted in opposition to the Lisbon Treaty to the tune of 53%, I must say I was overjoyed. The funny thing is, I’m not a citizen of Ireland. Matter of fact, I’ve never even been to Europe. I am an American who is a fan of freedom, hope, family and prosperity. In that light, I wanted to thank the people of Ireland for standing up for freedom and independence.

By now, most of the educated world knows that the EU has not only been a huge failure and disgrace. It has been a leech on the best qualities of the European nations, sucking hope, freedom, options, and of course, sovereignty from the wonderful countries it infects. No, that is not a typing error, I mean infects not effects.

Ireland, don’t be fooled by those who say you’re strong, and sustained economic growth has been because of your EU membership. Your lower corporate taxes have proven to the world that lowering taxes works for economic growth. When you lowered your corporate taxes to 12.5% and the rest of European Union countries range from 15%- 60%, you encouraged companies from my country to spend money in Ireland.

Companies from my country alone employ over 100,000 Irish. It’s actually your flow against the EU stream that has allowed you to grow while the rest of the EU falters.

People of Europe: please see Ireland’s rejection of the Lisbon Treaty as the first shot fired in the revolt of the EU. Europe is a neighborhood not a nation and it should stay that way.

Nothing is killing the cultural flavor of Europe more than the European Union. Even when it comes to tourism, it’s no longer “Go see the many cultures of Europe”; it’s “Come see the block of European Union members.” Nothing is killing sovereignty in Europe more than the European Union, either. For goodness sake, can you imagine Churchill’s response if the EU told him he could not protect the people of his country from criminals by deporting the criminals if those criminals lived in the EU as the EU told Blair? Churchill would destroy every last remnant of this socialistic institution.

Sovereignty is too important for those in Ireland to stand for Union oppression. The European Union has to be careful because they are only a hair width away from a revolution in their entire spider web if they continue to try to harm the good, hard working people in the wonderful and proud countries of Europe.

Obviously, the EU would never do something childish as to ignite such a revolt. I know what I’m about to suggest is so crazy it’s almost as if it’s science fiction, but could you imagine the revolt that would happen if the EU proposed a constitution? Let’s follow this delusion even further. What if someday they (the EU) went really crazy and suggested they have a president of sorts to serve a term of 2-3 years? The whole region would be up in arms. Speaking of arms, imagine how socialistic, immature and dictatorial it would be if the Union suggested something like a European Rapid Reaction Force.

Totally out of the question, I know, but wow! You can really have a nightmare when it comes to these immature, and socialistic leaders who do not care for economic growth or individual freedom.

Breathe easy though Europe; Ireland is on the watch.

Ireland, you are standing in the gap for what really matters. Continue to stay strong and show the world that the desire for people to be free has not faded. The flame that ignited the wonderful countries of Europe has not been extinguished, and just like a forest fire, the stronger the winds of oppression blow, the more the rage for freedom will rise. Coming from America, freedom has always been represented to me by Red, White and Blue, but when I look east, over the horizon, I see a shade of Emerald as a beacon of righteousness shining through the darkness of oppression.

Josh Tolley is an author, public speaker and soon-to-be radio talk show host who believes there should be no freedom on earth for those who deny freedom to others. You can reach Josh Tolley through his manager at mikeb@insightsmanagement.com and he is always welcoming speaking requests.