Candidates Corner


Rob Taylor for US Senate -It’s our time - It’s our destiny

I am Rob Taylor, and I am the Constitution Party candidate for the US Senate seat in 2010 representing the great state of Wisconsin. I am a software engineer by trade and a two-term elected alderman of the Cumberland City Council. I am in the race, and was the first person who registered, because I was tired of our country not being run the way the Constitution defines it as such. I saw there was no one looking out for and representing the working people or the state of Wisconsin at the federal level. I am here because our republic is in danger and a constitutional crisis is upon us. Our elected officials for many years, by every branch, by each party have violated and failed to uphold the Constitution. Our nation is being undermined, our quality of life is being compromised and our economy is suffering. I am running to become a soldier of the Constitution Revolution to stop the madness and to ensure that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

In Wisconsin, the time for principles is now.

Dave Westlake for US Senate

The Westlake for Senate campaign has developed into the strongest grassroots movement throughout Wisconsin because of the three pillars of support our platform is built on: 1. accountability, 2. people first, and 3. efficient resource utilization. Wisconsinites have always expected to have their voices heard--and their views respected--by their elected officials, but our elected officials have failed us as of late. Accountability begins and ends with the people, not politicians--and, as an elected official, you’re not being accountable to the people if you’re passing legislation through Congress that the people don’t want. In addition to this, we recognize that our republican system only works when elected officials serve out of a selfless sense of duty--not self-serving ideas. This is why all our volunteers wear shirts that say “I Am Dave Westlake”--it’s because the candidacy is embodied in the people wearing the shirts... the people holding the signs...the people of Wisconsin--not in one guy whose name is on the ballot. The will of the people must always come before the desires of politicians. Finally, candidates reveal the type of legislator they would be by how they act on the campaign trail. If a candidate accepts a lot of money from donors and spends it irresponsibly during the campaign, they’ll do the same with tax dollars once in office. We’ve made a conscious decision to be fiscally responsible and extremely judicious with our volunteer time--examples of efficiency that will be required in office if we’re going to “right the course” our country is currently on.

In addition to the three pillars, Dave has committed himself to delivering results in the U.S. Senate by adhering to three conditions that he’ll screen every piece of legislation with. The first of these is that all bills must be Constitutional. If a proposed bill fails to uphold the tenets outlined in our founding documents, then it will NOT become law. Plain and simple. Secondly, Dave will NOT support new laws that increase government spending. Not only is this because--as a nation--we can’t afford it now, but also because every dollar consumed by the federal government is a dollar taken out of the pockets of private citizens who can’t spend it in our economy. Government is supposed to protect the people, not fleece them. Finally, Dave will NOT support new laws that increase the size of government. The larger the role of government in peoples’ lives, the less liberty the people have--and this is the antithesis of what our Founding Fathers envisioned for this great nation.

Now, nearly 10,000 volunteers later, the movement continues to grow--changing “politics as usual” from a system of hidden agendas, broken promises, and a lack of representation to one of integrity, character, and leadership. That’s precisely what you’ve told us you want... that’s what you deserve...that’s what Dave Westlake will deliver in the United States Senate.

Interview of Terrence Wall

by Bob Jewell

Terrence Wall, Republican candidate for US Senator, allocated time with Bob Jewell from The Reality News to discuss several “hot topic” issues and expand on his political philosophy on which he is campaigning. Numerous topics were discussed including Education, Energy, and Government Accountability.

The healthcare legislation currently being slammed upon the American people, Wall stated, highlights all that is wrong with Washington. The backroom dealings and special interest payoffs are typical of how President Obama and the Democratic party are running things, without regard to spending or the deficit. “He has taken his agenda out of the open and into the shadows,” Wall stated. Wall believes that a 10-15% true reduction in Government spending could be accomplished quickly with better, more productive management. An eight-point checklist of Wall’s healthcare solutions can be found on his website.

Energy policy at both the state and federal level have been driven by concerns over the greenhouse gas Carbon Dioxide. “Show me scientific proof of your findings to justify your concerns,” Wall stated. When asked about Climategate, Wall indicated he has seen no compelling evidence showing carbon dioxide to be anything other than the most vital chemical for plant life. All energy sources can fill roles in our economy but this must be driven by economic viability, not mandates. Ethanol and renewable energy mandates kill jobs, waste resources, and accomplish no positive environmental purpose. Wall envisions nuclear power to make a larger contribution to the energy future of America.

When discussing education, Wall is passionate about his message. “The problems with education result primarily from the federal government taking more control away from local school districts and parents. Since the inception of the public school system in the early 1900’s, literacy rates have declined, and in recent decades graduation rates in many cities across the country have plummeted. School choice and student vouchers are tested solutions that have been effective in the past. Wall believes that these ideas need to be a vital part of the future of American education.
