America. Love It Or Leave It.

By Gary L. Wickert


The anti-America election strategy seemingly employed by the Democratic Party is going to fail—and fail big. Their response to tweets by President Trump on July 14 have laid bare the soul of the American Left, hell-bent on attacking a country they all seemingly believe has never been “great.” Trump’s tweet went like this:

gone so far down the road to Looneyville that it’s more than hard to take them serious any longer. It’s impossible.

Things are so upside down in the Bizarro culture we find ourselves in that Fox News created an unbelievable anthology of the most unlikely things the Left accused of being “racist” in 2017, including: mathematics, farmers’ markets, Christianity, pollution, college football, Christmas carols, the nuclear family, showing up on time, good grammar, and dozens of other silly things. And this isn’t the first time that a Trump tweet which wasn’t racist was labelled so by the press.

“…and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how...”

I hate to even posit an argument as to why Trump’s tweet was not “racist”, because it lends credence to the accusation in a society which seems to think that the accused is guilty until proven innocent—especially if race or unwanted sexual advances are in the mix. I do so because it’s so obvious that “race” has nothing to do with the tweet. The media argue that Trump has “exploited racial divisions” again. But there isn’t enough duct tape in the world to prevent my head from exploding as I try to make people realize that it is the media and the American Left who are “exploiting racial divisions.”

The complicit media have simultaneously chimed in like an a cappella choir, calling the above tweet calling for four Democratic congresswomen of color to get out of the U.S. if they didn’t like it here as “racist” without any evaluation or defense of that consistently overused and inappropriately used word. I doubt they even know what it truly means anymore; and like the boy who cried “Wolf”, their illegitimate use of the adjective has already devalued and desensitized its legitimate use to the point that even real racism can’t be indicted without mass apathy. They have accomplished once again the exact opposite of the thing they intended. It’s par for the course for a Democratic Party which has

During the Vietnam War and the 1960’s, a popular bumper sticker by those who supported the government and the war read, “America, Love It or Leave It.” And in one of the greatest of American ironies, criticisms of that bumper sticker were that it was one of the most “un-American” things a person can

say. God-fearing and patriotic Americans have historically shown hostility to political protest and anti-American sentiments. Liberal tree huggers have their own version of the 1960’s-era bumper sticker; one that reads, “Planet Earth – Love it Or Leave It.” It sells like crazy on liberal websites. That sticker doesn’t make crazy environmentalists any more “racist” than Donald Trump or the 62 million Americans who support him and his belief that if you are unhappy here in America, there are “totally broken and crime infested places” elsewhere on Earth that would gladly let you move there—although probably not illegally. To deny that such places exist is to ignore common sense and the world around us. To suggest that anti-American protesters leave and return to such places is many things, but it isn’t racist.

As Australian politician Arthur Chrenkoff, who left Poland for Australia, aptly put it:

“If you really so passionately dislike just about everything about your country, you have to ask yourself a question – why suffer? why keep putting yourself through this endless unhealthy rage and frustration? There are many different types of societies around the world, some of which are without doubt a lot closer to your vision of what an ideal community should be like. Wouldn’t you be happier living somewhere else? It just doesn’t make sense to me that you would want to live in a place you don’t like when you have options to live in places you would.”

The liberal response that hating America is just a vehicle to “fixing” what is wrong with the country and they plan to stay here and do

just that. But this response is really just an excuse for not giving up the many benefits and advantages of being an American. The liberal response to Trump’s tweet is in itself an admission that America is the greatest country on earth, and even those who threatened to leave when Trump was elected still sit on their Barcaloungers every night cursing at their president on the television. It appears that the hippies and radicals of the 1960’s didn’t transform America enough to satisfy the New Radicals for which Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez serves as mouthpiece. Donald Trump doesn’t believe Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar should be forced to leave the country and he didn’t say that. But 62 million Americans (and many Democrats who won’t admit it) don’t mind the suggestion that they do so. Those two intellectuals don’t poll much better than the Ebola virus.

A tweet like this coming from a sitting U.S. president isn’t going to harm his base but will inflame some sitting on the fence. It isn’t racist, but it some think it wasn’t very smart. Such armchair consultants might be surprised, however, as Trump has defied political pundits his entire life. Perhaps all of this will be forgotten following his inauguration in 2021. But two things will come of it. America is once again rolling its eyes at ridiculous racism allegations from a political segment once again reperforming a strategy of division that wore out its welcome during the Obama era. Moreover, Trump’s tweet is forcing “real” Democrats like Nancy Pelosi to come to the defense of four congressional radicals who are obviously way out of their depth in the U.S. Congress.